Rock Unity "bringing the local scene together" (DIY gigs for new bands)


New member
Alrittey here it is . I decided to create a new thread focusing on this thing we are all gonna do.

Name: Rock Unity

Rock is a very diverse genre . Let it be Death metal , Hardcore ,Punk , Old school , grunge , etc.. we are quite sure that Rock music will just summarise it all for us. And Unity because the aim of this organisation is to stand united for each other. Hence Rock Unity.

Aim or the organisation.

The aim of the organisation is to help newly started bands in their music in organising their own gigs. This is to encourage a p2p free singapore . To break this tradition and educate youth on how to organise their own shows and provide aid and support to their DIY shows.

How long before the change?

This is uncertain. Everyone has a part to play . But once bands in singapore are educated on organising their own shows, slowly but surely p2p gigs will be eradicated .

Contacts/ links and hook-ups as well as help in organising the gig will be provided but bands must not take this as a silver spoon in their mouth but learn to carry on from there after and visit this site to find other bands who are interested in doing a DIY gig with them and get good contacts.

Bands must realise that quality control is important , and on their part they have to perfect themselves to a performance worthy standard before the change can be seen .

What other features in the site ?

I have planned to do a step by step video in doing a diy gig . Interviews with people in the industry aswell as a video with amazing musicians that will teach you how to accheive and set a good tone on your guitar / bass when you gig and hopefully get enough fundings to carry workshops .

What do we need now ?

A person to design the logo , the website (just a simple one ) as it will be informative more that anything else.

this is what we need for now ... photographers, reviewers and alot of other things that all you great singapura rockers have offered is going to be needed and i will contact all of you shortly..

Any more add ons ?

Let me know what you have in mind ..
maybe we should all make a day where all of us here on the forum who are willing to help meet up and discuss about what we can do to further enhance this idea...

everyone plays a part ..
Shyam, I think we should just get together a core team of people to start this out first, get together, plan it all up, then split the cost to start a good gig, sponsor some auditions, and then run the gig. Just call me at 97530686 when you make your choices on the team and we'll meet up to get things going eh?

Honestly, we should not let the bands of the organizing team play. There will DEFINITELY be vested interests if we do.

Oh yea, I own some webspace, I'll let you use it, I've paid for a 12 month subscription, I use it as a sandbox to 'play' with.

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oooh nice. i'd like to help with making the logo. i already have some ideas in mind. also, my band would be very interested in playing the future gigs to come. just email or text me if anything comes up. / 81978091
for a website,why not just make a myspace page.
that should be simple enough ;D
yeah that sounds great aswell .. but how about bands who want to find other bands to join them in a DIY gig and places to add as contacts... i think a myspace page would be awesome . A personal .com site can be used aswell to give a more organised approach.

just a rough idea for the logo. can gimme comments? it's just pencils though. no colors yet
wow its really nice ! do u think you can have some elements that we can put in to potray unity in a diverse rock scene? i think its awesome tough..
wow its really nice ! do u think you can have some elements that we can put in to potray unity in a diverse rock scene? i think its awesome tough..

sure thing. any ideas anyone can pitch in? one guys brain can only do so much.:mrgreen: