rock star fashion

distorted_soul said:
they look like serial rapists... or maybe sly sim... haha... actually no diff between what i said

Now now guys, let's not start that again before our big chief kills this thread. :p

That guy in the picture with the...dread-HUGE-ass-locks over his head. He just looks like a clown.
japs are like trying to "relive" the hair-metal era i think. haha.

and frankly, i think they are more serious in their outfits and most of all makeups rather than their songs.
lars is an eminem wannabe ....


Tuck in the shirt, wear some leather belt with leather pants or, jeans.

khai_stereotype said:
japs are like trying to "relive" the hair-metal era i think. haha.

and frankly, i think they are more serious in their outfits and most of all makeups rather than their songs.

u'll be amazed by how well some of them play. try seikima II. extreme make up, extremely good playing as well.
Seriously, I think J rock kind are striking... If u wear too Englando rock, abit sloppy, IMO. J rock looks more WU SEI...

Sorry, i just dont want to have this argument anymore. No offence dude, my views are still that i hate sly looking rockers, nothing's gonna change that.