rock star fashion


New member
hey guys i was wondering.. my proms coming n i dont really wanna be one of those generic prom goers.. im looking to accesorize.. what sorta 'bling's do rock stars wear? NO spandex! ahaha( im lookin fer accessories.. nt clothes)

and what do You guys wear? With punks its usually the leather jackets with the spikes n the wild(but cool hair) with metalheads its black or denim jackets.. straightcut jeans etc.. right?

come to think of it music fashion could be a whole secton on soft! haha..

but for now.. how do i accesorise?
ntah. prom must dress up per.. haha metal heads arent very.. loud in sg .. only going for gigs then dress up.. mayhbe jsut a tshirt with a band on it..
Go get a wig with frizzy shoulder length hair. Black Denim looks cool. Don't forget sharp pointed leather boots. Mat Rocks yeah.....

Don't forget to pin a yellow ribbon on your collar.
jono said:
get a pair of soccer socks.. cut the closed end then wear is on ur arm.. lol :roll:
isnt tt wat those mat-minah punk rock collaboration bands look like? :roll: and they never fail to wear those goodcharlotte/MADE/LEVEL(some number i cant remember) shirts...right?
Friendship bands, bracelets, chains and stuff on both wrists. Just find something cool to put on. It enhances the dull look of the arms, and adds "meat" to tiny wrists if you have them, like myself.
go with black..material shld be leather or anything close to the look of leather considering the event is prom so it needs to be on the formal fact, a leather jacket would do just fine. :)

and yeah, chunks on your wrist but dont overdo it either..cuffs shld be fine..look for nice ones!

wats your hair length like?
Wear a ring with some sort of stone in it ... Like black jade stone ... Or wear bandanna ... I dunno, this is kind of poserish if you ask me ...
Oh yeah boots are a must. knee high, 4 inch heels. Wooo.

Just don't wobble in them! You won't look cool!!

And match with a black short're ready to turn heads. =)
haha erm.. Well you could wear Leather jacket, rip jeans. a tank top under those leather jacket. Blings... Chains! Jus go to those paint shop and buy chains.. ah well. i have no idea!!!

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