Regarding the Teacher's Day gig.
The band were not called down for any of the rehearsals- the entire event itself was planned barely a couple of weeks before the show. The organizer, Mr Wong, didn't know much about the equipment and how things should have been run, and approached Mr Seow for help.
Ronin on the other hand were incensed by the recent co-ed issues and banked their essential performance around that message. I think it's very important to know that these guys are outsiders and they did not know the inside information that us Victorians know- so naturally they were really upset and wanted to slam it as much as possible. Note that they did not plug their album or anything that day.
According to Levan, Mr Maran had actually enjoyed the performance and asked them about the launch party. However, of course, Mr Maran, as a teacher, cannot say that he enjoyed it! Hence his strong, positive speech (I loved it.)
Mr Lim (the VP) asked Mr Seow to go and shut off the PA system not because of the thrashing itself but because of the boys enjoying it. As teachers who consider themselves responsible for the development of the students, they have to of course put down the negative aspects of the band's performance (which was Levan thrashing the mike stand and the yelling of fricking teacher's day, dedicating Do What Thou Wilt to the rebels and what not).
I think it's important to understand that:
-Ronin are Victorians and they love VS. They played for free, and have been approaching the school to play whenver it was possible.
-They did not know our exact situation so they just did what they wanted to do. They were not told what sort of performance was expected out of them and whatnot. I blame this partly on Mr Wong and partly on the band themselves.
-Mr Seow, Levan and Sean had supper later on and all was cleared. Levan now thinks that Seow is a cool guy and Seow's chums with the band. Levan admitted that what they did was over-the-top, and Seow admitted that they played good music.
-I don't see anything wrong with Ronin playing in schools. They played a great gig at Republic Poly, and the first gig at VS was great as well. This one was only affected because there was not much communication between the band and the organizers- a recipe for disaster IMO.
Anyway Sabrina, if you're getting Levan and the boys to play at RGS, make sure you tell them to behave and I know they will =D. To some extent.