rio grande or bare knuckle

sef said:
lookin for new pup dat's got lotsa bass & mids, juz enuff treble retain clarity. high o/p but not distorting. prefer alnico den harsh ceramic (sorry to ceramic fans)

cant find any dimarzio or seymour duncan pup with nickel cover (cos the stock pup has cover & i like it dis way). only dose PAF type but relatively low o/p.

Never tried, but SD Seth Lover is nickel covered & low output.

There's also Antiquities if you decide to blow more money.

Dimarzio also has PAF classics which are covered pups.
bluepowder said:
planning to get a has sound pickup myself...looking at either the Viper or the Scorpion....for the bridge

so opinions?

Shredcow?SanXP? :lol:

SansXP has used both. :D

But I'm betting you'll take a Viper. ;) More biting but thats what a tone pot is for right? Tame the high end.
yea I could just change the tone pot...which im probably gonna do....I was considering going low output...oh well lets much of a difference are we looking at? in terms of viper vs scorpion :lol:
both are the same. :lol:


Difference in magnets. And other... special stuff. Like level of mojo.

Eh eh, change tone pot to dimarzio pots. Best pots I've tried yet, sturdy, excellent taper and smooth.
yea i know the technical differences...alnico ceramic blah blah...but ive only played on ceramics before....dunno how alnicos sound....any eg? :lol:

was thinking of stan's pot :lol:
I always thought Alnico's have this rounded top end. Its smooth. Less bite than ceremics. "Less" being subjective, its definately less but whether it matters to you.

For that matter, I like ceremics more... they seem to make my tone "jump out" more, so to speak.

Also, as Randolf mentioned on the forum, Ceremics, having more bite/treble, better for overwound pups.

Stan uses CTS pots.
ShredCow said:
I always thought Alnico's have this rounded top end. Its smooth. Less bite than ceremics. "Less" being subjective, its definately less but whether it matters to you.

You are pretty right here, I would think.

Interesting stuff on the "less" part, there are some who would argue that rosewood fretboards has more treble than maple - which is certainly possible. If rosewood has an overall better translation of the sound on a wider frequency range, I would think that the human ear would actually think that rosewood is less bright because of the relative difference between rosewood & maple at the same perceived volume.

The same could then be argued for alnico, and only a scientific method can assess the reality. But for most of us, that definition of rosewood fretboards having less treble than maple, or alnico having less treble seems enough - after all, it's what we hear that matters.
I think its more of a matter of familiarity.

Mainly because.

We, the lay person, get to swap pups often... and we can pick out the similiarities/differences amongst the different magnet types.

However, we don't have fretboards to swap often....

But the lutheirs like Suhr, Malcolm, people form USACustomGuitars, they have the oppurtunity to do so, and they come and say, rosewood characteristics are so and so, so and so.

And I, as a layperson, who wouldn't get the oppurtunity to swap similiar guitars as often, will agree with the reknowned, honest luthiers, so to speak.

Thats what I believe in. Even if I don't know, someone else more knowledgable, with integrity, knows, I subscribe to that person's PoV.
hmm also thinking of gettin pickup covers...cos i sweat like crazy.....

viper...scorpion...hmm how do i decide :lol:
then the pup covers will rust like crazy. :P And the sweat will get into the pup cover, and stay with the pup. Not that it matters a lot but well yeah.

And pup covers will alter the tone.

How to decide? More bite? Less bite?

Or go vintage lah, 2 x fusions.
hehe was planning to get fusion for my neck...and maybe a karma for my middle....but i need a heavy pickup for the bridge for any heaviness i might wanna bring upon the world...or as dethlok would say....METAL!!!!

hehe can always remove the pickup covers guessin its gonna dull the highs..but it shouldnt make too much of a difference....better than just having the pickups there unprotected :lol:

Do u want some coooofffffeeeeee? Real COOFFFFFEEEE???? I think i shall use that as my ring tone.

Okay, back to seriousness.

Okay, how heavy is heavy? You already have quite a bit of dirt pedals, the LO and Skreddy stacked gives you some cool dynamic but high gain stuff, the Hot Brit gives you metal. You might not need a hot hot pup.

Fusion = 9k
Hot pup = ? What? 13? Its quite a big diff, personally, I aim for a 3k diff between neck and bridge pups, bridge being hotter, i like that balance since the neck gets to be a little closer to compensate for its weaker output, and that means more harmonics being picked up. Most pup makers do the 1.5k difference.

Try a ceremic 10k lah... the Redliner. Fusion + Redliner.

Heck, get stan to recommend you one...

Well, no cover = can wipe clean the pup after playing. And the diff in tone...well... i don't want it because I'm using mahogany, and I think it gets too smooth with a cover on.
hehe....stan actually recommended the fusion viper combo..said it would work nicely...was a lil apprehensive but he said that it was quite popular...

I like some nice gain and sustain...i dont really want my output to go any lower as such...i liked my evos..they were around 13.5....

i mean seriously...will 10k still give that punch for metal :lol:
I wanna try a Fusion toooooo.... ugh. Come lah, I try with you k?

10k can man.

With the right pedals, enough gain stacking, anything can. Ever ran a strat into a metalzone? It does metal. Up the mids somewhat, it does metal.


I prefer a higher output pup for a little more compression and fatness. I played a tele thru my setup, okay, i tried to play a tele thru my setup, while it still had enough gain and all, very articulate and clear yadda yadda, it was toooooooooo dynamic. Wanna do legato, I had to up my gain so much more... then can, but i didn't like the change in tone then. Its just another balancing act.

My upcoming guitar will use lower output stuff. Like 9k/10k bridge hum. 7k neck single. Kind of thing.
yea i know...playing on a les paul showed me the difference...a lil bit of compression is good... :lol:

hehe lemme try and sell my evo neck.... :lol:

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