Rickenbacker guitars


New member
where do I buy Rickenbacker guitar in Singapore???
What are the price ranges??
Should any softies bros have bought this guitar feel free to pen down your verdict on the guitar


There aren't any Rickenbacker dealers in Singapore so you'll probably have to order online unless you want to go through an ordering service like Blackwood's. They go for about 1.4k USD to 3k USD.
I bought a JetGlo 330/12. But depending on the type of music you play, this guitar can be a little limiting. Anything a la REM, Radiohead, U2, Beatles, Tom Petty, ELO, Byrds, The Who even... this is the guitar you want. I've used it clean and with an overdrive and it works really well. The trick is finding the right tone for it. But restringing is a b***h. You might want to get a 360 instead. That would be might next purchase if I can afford it... FireGlo 360. Most prices hover around the $2K and up. I don't know if Ishibashi still delivers overseas, but it does you can find some good deals there on their online site.
I purchased all my Rics from Ric Asia Network based in Japan.
Check out the link below:

You can contact them directly via email and price is stated clearly on the website. Now is a good time as the yen has probably dropped (i think).

Ric guitars are more than musical instruments, they are pieces of art. A must for Beatles or Byrd's fans.
Typical jangly sound from the semi hollow bodies and believe it or not, you can actually shred with the 600 series.
The Colorado or Sierra is built like a gibson . But with neck-thru construction and humbuckers.
Others like the 300 series are semi-hollows and carries hi-gain or single coil 'toaster" pickups which gives them the jangly sound.
The basses.....totally awesome.!!!
I have not met anyone who has regretted getting a Ric. But heard of many who regretted for selling theirs.:)
Rickenbacker is the best guitar for rhythm ever.. sad to say children in this era doesn't look at it too much..
hehe, its the psychological aspect of knowing that some folks who are now legend in rock n roll history having used the same brand/same geetar for certain songs which make it different.

If those used ibanez back then, then any chords or notes on it now, will have the same effect...
Am not one to determine, never held any Ricknebacker before. But I know I'll feel good playing both rhythm and lead on one.
sad to say children in this era doesn't look at it too much..

True. Rickenbackers are an outdated design because the majority of mainstream music turns to solid-body electric guitars like the strat and les paul. Those are considered 'modern'. Rickenbackers still have their niche appeal but there isn't enough niche appeal in Singapore for any dealers to bring them in, unfortunately. I would very much like to try one, too. The chimey, bright and jangly clean tones are to die for.

If they are not outdated, then why isn't everyone playing one?

Not any cheap guitars for sure..

Since when did anyone call them cheap? They're expensive guitars, dude.
Nope.. Honestly nope.. but i dare to say is a really good guitar.. rickenbacker is a really good guitar.. Cost at least $3000 each.. but if we talking about how modern is a Rickenbacker.. True that no kids is playing it.. Nowadays people jus wan a guitar sound good with distortion (which is stupid, no offence) and nobody is appreciate good clean tones like Rickenbacker.. But I will love a Rickenbacker and GAS for it!
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Yeah look at the modern trends. Music with distortion.

Guess it goes both ways. Dealers say kids won't buy cause they are familiar with them. Kids will say they are not familiar with them cause there's no dealer.

So you havent played the real thing. How do you know about the "feel" of playing rhythm on it, having played a copy"
Hey Guys,
How about turning this into a Rickenbacker appreciation thread?
I can share some information and pics if anyone out there is interested.......(or not)?
For a start..... here is the most common and basic model, Rickenbacker 330MG (Maple Glo)
They come in other colours like JG (Jet Glo - black), FG (Fire Glo - like sunburst)) and other special issues of Blue burst or Blue Boy etc


This semi-hollow guitar produces the well known jangly sound in clean mode and sounds great as well in high gain overdrive.