Removing all the strings??


New member
My exams are comming and i wanna be FOCUSED on my studies. So i must stop playing guitar for a while, i wanna cut out all its strings so it wont...distract me. Will it affect the guitar, my teacher said not to do that.
Oh and my E and A strings JUST broke after i typed out this....:(
Then how am i gonna open it up?? But seriously will it cause any probs? I will leave it string-less for about 1.5 wks.
My exams are comming and i wanna be FOCUSED on my studies. So i must stop playing guitar for a while, i wanna cut out all its strings so it wont...distract me.

no no.. its not going to happen. there's no such thing as dont play guitar because of studies.

i dont study because of guitar. studies IS the distraction.
Ok. i just took out all the strings. Then i realised all the hardware can remove. So i put it in my bag. lol
its a lespaul.
After i took out the strings, then i shake my guitar. Got some sound from the truss rod. Like something is loose. Is it normal??
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Hmm , u must have time to revise and to play your guitar. Study first then play. thats what i always do now. hee.. All the best to all of your examinations anyway