Remember the lady who kill the cat?

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that b---- don't deserve to be called a human, neither a woman, lady, girl , or whatsoever. she's WORST than an animal. gawsh

lock lock. i'm sick~
SOFTies, please do not spend time searching for these pix/video on the net and then posting them here on SOFT.

Firstly, it is sickening to look at. Secondly, it just detract us from discussing more music stuff.
by the way, isn't it supposed to be the lady who killed the cat? because, the cat's already dead... u know... since she killed it... by steppin on it....
chester277 said:
by the way, isn't it supposed to be the lady who killed the cat? because, the cat's already dead... u know... since she killed it... by steppin on it....

Thread starter's english mistake...haha...
And she actually did that smiling. She is one hell of a sadist. Anyways the video link is edited out. I thought of posting the link around so that the world could see such cruelty do exist and it should stop before more innocent animals get hurt.

So yeah, can I have the link?
can someone please PM me the link....

you know, there's something much worse doing it to a DOG than a cat in my opinion... it's like... it's more of a crime to kill a bigger DOG!?.. haha.. i dunno why.. i want this woman dead.
it doesnt matter cat, dog, big dog, small cat, medium rabbit..

god, these animals are ALIVE and they've got feelings pls. i wont watch any video agen, its too disturbing. :smt022

funneh how she smiled when she was doing it and how i cried watching it. gosh, its sickly disturbing! :roll:
tribalcast:dude you are only going to hurt and traumatise more.please stop distributing the videos of these inhumane stuff.nothing to do with music!
keiith said:
tribalcast:dude you are only going to hurt and traumatise more.please stop distributing the videos of these inhumane stuff.nothing to do with music!

Please distributing sounds a bit harsh, it's as if I'm selling the video. Obviously I would write a warning phrase to the viewers. They all watch it at their own descretion. And obviously this topic is not about music but about animal cruelty. I don't have to limit myself only to this forum as obviously some of you seriously can't take it.
y u wana spread??to hurt more animal lovers?pls do think about other's feelings(especially animal lovers)
keiith said:
y u wana spread??to hurt more animal lovers?pls do think about other's feelings(especially animal lovers)

No not to hurt but to make some kind of stand. Make them have the urge to find ways to make such vile actions to stop. Find petitions, tell their friends and make their friend tell their friends and so forth. Such small steps as these may eventually land up somewhere in higher authorities who themselves maybe animal lovers. Maybe with enough effort someone with enough power could actually stop this from ever happening again.

Please, don't narrow-mindly think that I want to cause any harm to others. If this whole issue solely disturbs you please then stay out of it.
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