Remember that old TV show during childhood?

I LOVE SMURFS. <333333333333333333333

lol. i still have those transformer toys, a whole collection of them and i still have my tiny Ninja Turtles track shoes! It's so colorful and it lights up at the back. I mean, it used to. Now everything's worn out and bleh. But I still keep it!lol
i still have my power rangers megazord...and a lil ninja turtles mini skatebaord. those ultra small ones. and the he man plastic sword. all somewhere in the storeroom. and not forgetting the present i loved the most! Transformers Optimus ( if that's his name) with the truck and everything.
I used to have a Silverhawk toy. But its decapitated. Not sure where the hell the head went to. Anyone remember this one...Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats! HOOO! Oh yeah...don't know how many of you all know this but the original Ghostbuster wasn't actually 4 guys. More like 3 members, 2 guys and an ape. I'm serious! :lol:
Hahah I don't know why but I'm wasn't really into the Power Rangers. Well when they just came out it was kinda cool with Lord Zed in it. But after that the plot and hype wasn't there anymore. Hahaha just so happens my uncle bought a vcd of Ultraman Vs Mask Rider. Now that is much more cooler than Power Rangers. :lol:
ok this 1 for the fans: airwolf, blue thunder, knight rider, buck rogers, battlestar galatica, yamato starblazers (anime), simon & simon, V, remington steel, street hawk, t j hooker, hawai 5 o, charlie angels, bionic man/woman, incredible hulk, manimal, woder woman, etc.. ok that is 70s hehe.... :lol:
The 'A' Team! Mr. T
TV pendidikan on RTM 1
Ultraman GOH! ( 1985 )
Crime and Passion ( channel 8 )
SBC ( S'pore Broadcasting Corp )
Electric Company ( remember tthe mute Spiderman? )
Ghostbusters ( there used to have ghostbusters hotline you know..)
pooo, you mean the Starmax Bomber toy? I think I still have it somewhere! lol. Yeah Starcom toys are darn fun.

Haha yea! I'd gladly buy it off you if you ever decide not to want it anymore :twisted:
Yeah yeah Thundercats! Wish I own the Thundercats sword man.

17wil you should dig out your He-Man sword, take a pic and put it up here. It must be a very very rare toy by now lol.

pooo said:
Haha yea! I'd gladly buy it off you if you ever decide not to want it anymore :twisted:

Nooooooo! I will never sell it! :P
did anybody mention He-man?! He was my favourite ...

And Mask ... where you have the vehicles like THunderbolt, Rhino, SwitchBLade, Firefly .... I used to collect those where they can be transformed into different combat vehicles ....

And not forgetting chip and dale rescue rangers .... Gummy bears ... And of course the Alien invasion series called "V" ...anybody remember? Where you have the nurse holding a baby and the baby suddenly shot out it's liard tongue ... wicked!
All the talk about retro cartoons and toys here gave me a sudden urge to rummage the old cupboard in the house! After 20min of rummaging, the following gems emerged...


Starmax Bomber and its 'little brother' Starwolf.


Condor. I'm surprised that the box is still in presentable condition. All the other boxes were mostly squashed badly lol.


Rhino. The sideview mirror has fallen off. Oh well...

I just remembered that a friend has the He-Man castle Greyskull! I shall snap a pic of it the next time I'm at his place heheh.
mel! me got Starwolf and M.A.S.K. Rhino too.....same thing the sideview mirror broke off. I've got the bike too....but forgot what's the name hehehehe. Still have my transformers with me :P
That means Rhino's sideview mirror quality is darn lousy man lol. Eh which Transformers you have? Constructicons is da bomb!
M.A.S.K. toys quite flimsy....most of mine the parts cmi liao lol

I got PREDAKING~! Constructicon was cool though, i remembered i was always crying cos can't get my parents to buy transformers for me lol! Also have God Ginrai and the 20th Anni Convoy masterpiece. used to have a G1 Prime....budden cousin just raped him to pieces. Soundwave da best hehehehe
mel80 said:
All the talk about retro cartoons and toys here gave me a sudden urge to rummage the old cupboard in the house! After 20min of rummaging, the following gems emerged...


Starmax Bomber and its 'little brother' Starwolf.


Condor. I'm surprised that the box is still in presentable condition. All the other boxes were mostly squashed badly lol.


Rhino. The sideview mirror has fallen off. Oh well...

I just remembered that a friend has the He-Man castle Greyskull! I shall snap a pic of it the next time I'm at his place heheh.

What a minute, are those 1st or 2nd hand? :?