Remember that old TV show during childhood?

mel80 said:
Those are 1st hand. My *ahem* rewards for studying hard when I was a kid hahahaa. Pity that most of the boxes are squashed badly though. Or else I reckon they'd worth some good money now heheh.

Yeah hopefully the He-Man movie will be good, that's IF it ever gets completed lol. Maybe it's just me, but I think John Woo has lost it lah. He should go back to directing good ol' gun slug films.

heheh. I had some nostalgic fun playing around with it when I dug it out. Was surprised that all the magnets are working fine! The mechanism to open the back cartridge is spoilt though. Oh well...

Woahhh!!! Take pics of your Hulk Hogan figurine man! You might wanna consider 'updating' your Hogan toy. Make his head half bald or something wahahaa :P

That reminds me I lost my old Legion Of Doom, Brett Hart and Ultimate Warrior figurines. Damn :evil:

You damn bastard! :cry: Sorry. I feel that your really lucky cause I find those action figures to be antics. They have so much value. People don't make those kind of toys anymore. :cry: Eh wait a minute. Why am I sobering about toys? :oops:

Dude, please refrain from quoting the whole chunk of text. It's kinda messy. James has told all Softies about that before. Yep :)

Anyhow, guys will be guys lah. We'll never grow up. We can be 50 or 60 years old but we'll still love our old toys lol. But yeah, those toys have so much sentimental value.
Transformers are the Rulest, although I only have the faintest memory of the Headmaster and Victory series. Damn cool robots they had. I always thought the Decepticons looked swankier and had more personality. . Thus, I always rooted for them haha. Starscream anyone?Lol
Starcom, Visionaries, Dinoriders, GIJ, Mask and TMNT(I like Krang) used to rock my world too. They had the COOLEST concepts for cartoons back then. What do they have now..
Oh, something comes to mind. I remember a cartoon with cool vehicles that had green vines growing out of them that attached to weapons like cannons, clubs and buzz-saws. Anyone knows what I'm talking abt? Lol..
Can't recall the one you're talking about Vaiyen. But green vines and all certainly reminds me of......
SWAMP THING! hahahaaa
mel80 said:
Dug out more stuff from the old cupboard today :D

Anyone recognises this?






Anyone has the girls equivalent of Micromachines? Polly Pocket? lol.

"micromachines, where they gonna take you, anywhere you wanna go!"
Woooo...awesome toys u guys personal fav cartoons would be, G.I. Joe, Mighty Max, Ninja Turtles and transformers....yea....old cartoon rules