RedSGShredder site!


New member
Hey guys thought i'd share this site i just came across, there are lessons on theory,more advanced stuff too.He's pretty much of a Metal guitarist so his lessons are obviously slightly "metal influenced"

The thing is that this kind guy came up with the site all by himself just to Share his knowledge! very generous.
And he's pretty good. :D just take some time to watch his vids aye good stuff.

was abit misled by the title of the site. haha tot he was from spore. but den realised he owns a RED colour gibson SG. hahaha. thanks for sharing. cool stuff!
thanks guys haha i just realised what you meant by the redsg thing haha, yeah if only he was sg and in S.O.F.T.
He's called Vafa.

He's a really nice guy. I once pmed him on youtube asking him abt stuff and he replied willingly.

He's also super nice on his videos hah.