Guitarist Looking For Math Rock/Prog Metal/Or Anything Really Band


New member
Hey, I'm a guitarist who just finished a 3 year course in polytechnic doing music. I'm currently looking for a band(mates)
to jam, write and perform with. I listen to a variety of stuff but as of now my tastes are somewhere in the Mathcore, Prog Metal(Djent?), Post Rock area. To be honest, I'm open to anything from Pop Punk, Indie Rock or Alt Rock. I'm just trying to look for a band cause I haven't played with one for the longest time.

Here's my soundcloud, maybe it'll give some hint to what my style might be like

Some of the bands that I listen to:
Math Rock - Enemies, Toe, Tricot, TTNG, Floral, covet, American Football, Clever Girl, Elephant Gym
Proggy Music - Protest the Hero, Plini, Intervals, CHON, The Helix Nebula, Widek, Karnivool, Periphery, Sithu Aye, i built the sky
& Other Bands I Love - Foo Fighters, My Chemical Romance, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Paramore, Tonight Alive, Incubus, Audioslave
Just to name a few.

A bit about me; I've been playing guitar for around 4 years, I'm able to play the bass and drums to a basic level as well. I enjoy writing music, both with and without vocals. I have a good grasp of audio engineering as well, and I've been practicing on my own mixes and such. I'm not some virtuoso or musical genius, but I do have a decent sense of arrangement and flow of music. I'm always getting new ideas which I want to share with people, unfortunately I haven't found too many who are like-minded as I am as of late. I'd love to get connected to any of you who share some, if not all of the same tastes as me, and just see what we can create.

Hit me up! Eight1sixthree07six0



We're looking for a guitarist. We're a mathcore/chaotic hardcore band, but we are also fucking crazy on stage (we thrash around, like we are attacked by bees alot). If you have the interest in that you are welcomed to try audition for us (though technicality and skills might not be a problem for you, we focus more on time signatures instead of technical riffs)
I listen to Periphery, CHON, Plini, Tonight Alive, My Chemical Romance & Paramore from the bands you mentioned, & I play the drums! I listened to your soundcloud music & I think they're pretty awesome! If we can find more members with similar music taste, let's form a band!