Recording Music in Jamming Studios


New member
Hello everyone,

I am thinking of recording the music my band plays during jamming sessions for after-action-review.

May i know what are the possible ways in reocording?

I have tried using handphones/mp3 players to record, but only ended up with very distorted recording.

Any advice will be great, thanks!
Get a sony tape recorder, put it somewhere high, away from cymbals. they cost about 5 bucks at sungei road, and works ok, if you just want some aar action.

Or you can try videocams. Most videocams have pretty good mics. My panasonic camcorder produces pretty good audio, even during intense parts.
Yes, I concur with that.

Recording with video cameras does produce pretty good audio.

Just hope you know and have the resources to download them, and output them to audio to be shared with your peeps lah.

thanks guys, i think i will source for a video cam to try out.

what about getting a mixer? Will it be much better?
for me it doesn't matter on the recorder itself, e.g sony tape recorder, mp3 player or even video cam.

it's the matter of even sound of all instrument and the positoning of the recorder.

i've tried using all sorts of method and recorder, all are the same.

if u have uneven distribution of instrument sound the one with the loudest sound will be capture more in the recorder.

and position of the recorder, it's just logic, don't u put near an amp or a drumset.

the best is always put somewhere around the door with the mic facing the door.

try it, it always work for me.


but does mp3 players really work?? Cause the build in mic is like so tiny and low quality XD

i am tihnking on investing in a zoom H2 or H4 recorder.. bt they are so ex....
if you have a laptop, just plug in a computer mic and record using basic editing software. don't have to be too ex. a cheap one produces decent results.. way better than using mp3 player.

but ideally, i'd recommend the zoom H2. compact and has a good built-in mic. best of all, you can also use it to record gigs. whole band chip in lah! cheaper that way.
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but does mp3 players really work?? Cause the build in mic is like so tiny and low quality XD

i am tihnking on investing in a zoom H2 or H4 recorder.. bt they are so ex....

yes, it works... i've tried a few times... it really works... its the position thats matters...
if you have a laptop, just plug in a computer mic and record using basic editing software. don't have to be too ex. a cheap one produces decent results.. way better than using mp3 player.

but ideally, i'd recommend the zoom H2. compact and has a good built-in mic. best of all, you can also use it to record gigs. whole band chip in lah! cheaper that way.

I have tried H4 (the shaver) & works well with its own mic, trial & error position, use a mic stand or use a pair of omni-microphones, u will capture everything, including the energy (feel).
it's a handy 2-channel stereo recorder, specialised for recording live music. google it up!
Easy & Cheap mic up for band

If you are looking for an improved sound for your recording but done very cheaply. What you can do is buy a really cheap 4 channel mixer, There is a French brand called realistic or just pop down to Sim Lim Tower. Then buy some cheap mic, but is important for them to have the foam covering them.
The rest is straight forward, plug the mics into the mixer and the mixer into your line in on you laptop. With the mics positioned in different places this will give you the best recording in the cheapest way.

If you need anymore advice can drop us an email

Acoustic Consultant X
it's selling at city music around $270 from the last time i asked. prices may fluctuate.. nowadays rice..petrol..everything also increase.. except salary..

Another alternative is to get the Line 6 Toneport UX1 or UX2. Pretty good stuff for recording and doesnt burn the pocket. You can then use the Ableton Lite software that comes with it to record and edit your materials or use free recording softwares from the internet. The hardware works with most of the popular recording softwares. Just hook it up through the Line Out from the mixer and you'll get a clean mix. Of course it depends on how the channels are balanced. Probably use 1 or 2 mics over the drums to get it in the mix too. Been personally using the UX2 and its great and easy to use for the money spent!! U can also use it to record demo stuffs or individual tracking.
I got a cheap and simple way, use ur nokia video camera to record. i dunno why but the video cam capture the sound better thn a sound recorder.