recording equipment recommendation


New member
hey all, i'd like to record my own guitar stuff n all that, and i was just wondering which recording gear is gd. i've seen quite a few from zoom n korg, but i dun really know whats gd. just need sumtin simple for a few track recordings on guitar. and sumtni that can be sent to computer n stuff. user friendly of course, lol. so yea, need u guys advice.
well, M-Audio stuff u can get at Sim Lim SQ Hung Bros. prices are cheaper there. otherwise, there's always Sinamex at parklane.

or go citymusic where u can also get those ZOOM portable hdd recorders. think its less of a hassle then to set up a new pc and load software etc, altho the pc option gives you more choices and flexibility. but if u juz wanna do backing tracks and basic stuff, then maybe something simpler for ya would do the trick nicely.