Recommend me some settings for metal songs


New member
Hey guys, I love metal so can anybody recommend me some settings for my amplifier? I'm absolutely clueless about the settings and I set them anyhow. So what comes out is a total mess. So please recommend me some settings here. I'll adjust it and give it a try. Thank you :)
what amp? For a metal tone people usually scoop the mids, boost treble and bass. but be careful not to scoop it out too much, it'll get lost in the mix. And watch out for the amount of bass, too much will make your tone too flubby, metal tones usually have quite a tight bass.
For starters,

Gain: 4:00
Bass: 2:00
Mid: 12:00
Treble: 4:00
Reverb(if you have it): As low as possible.

I suggest you play around with whatever settings you have; you might find something you like.
Ok thanks alot. What's the difference between Delay and Reverse? I have both of them combined in a knob. Which one should I turn?
if you are playing alone for practise, a slightly scooped mids will work, put bass and trebs to 6, and mids to about 3 or 4. most modern metal songs you hear do quad tracking or more for the guitar riffs, which means that riffs are played over 4 or more times on different amps / amp settings and layered over each other. this allows the guitar chuggs to be very percussive and meaty at the same time. since most of us can't do that at home or live, we can't do extreme EQ with good results, so don't over boost or cut any of the frequencies, just a slight adjustment will suffice.
I've only got Low, Mid freq, Middle, Gain, High and effects on my amp. My effect consist of a knob and Delay and Reverse. So I'm kinda confused now. Does Low means Bass?
Do you mean reverb? If so, delay is kinda like an echo where what you play is repeated.. Reverb is a very short echo. An example would be the sound you hear after you shout in a hall as the sound bounces around the walls and eventually decays.

There are many kinds of delays and reverbs but thats just a basic explanation. Hope its clear enough.
Haha thanks alot man. That's clear enough :). So between those 2, which one should I set? Both sounds nice but when I play something over it, it becomes very messy :(
A light reverb shouldn't sound messy, it should give an extra dimension to your sound like you're playing in a larger room or sth.

Delay could mess things up if not set properly.. If your amp's verb/delay knob is just a 1 knob thing like the roland cubes then just set it as low as possible to not mess the rhythm up, it can be pushed up more on solos.