recommendation for a bass
Hi weijin
Just be careful with new yamaha basses nowadays cause they are made in indonesian. I will pay $0 for an indonesian bass. You can get a decent used japanese fender J bass for about 700 - 800 SGD. It sound close to the american made fender and give you the passive growl which is good for rock. You might have to deal with the single coil hum though.
Other recommendation is the old yamaha bb series (taiwan made) eg. BBG5A, BBn5A if you can get a whole of them.
The old ibanez SR series (japanese) are a good choice as well. (Guitar connection has a white ibanez on the rack.) And i believe there is a american fender red PJ 4 str.
The ibanez should be in the range from 700 - 900. Basically what i am saying is get a decently good bass to start so you wont have to regret and spend more $$ changing. There will ALWAYS be a better bass out there. Get one good for your needs. Get a friend who knows how to differentiate a good from bad bass to try out the guitars with you before you buy.
Hope this helps.