recomendations for a bass.


New member
recently i got this kick to start to learn bass. out of no where which is it. but i do not have the ideal bass in mind now so you guy can give me some tips to look out for in looking for a bass or what bass should i get.. budget range not sure cause i have to see what i can afford. i think should be under 600 - 800 (with amp).
thanks alot...
*p.s* whats the different between P-bass, J-bass?
I would say go for a Yamaha, since they have a official presence here in Singapore.

Generally Yamaha instruments, and definitely basses included, you pay a fair price for the quality of the instrument you get. You won't get ripped off. Moreover, they have a large presence here in Singapore, so the prices you pay should be fair.

As for the other brands, it's going to be expensive. You pay $1000, you may end up with a rated $600-ish level of bass guitar. The reason is that the shop needs to parallel import the instrument, add in shipping costs and add in shop profits, etc.... you're going to pay extra $$$ for a lower rated level of instrument.

The more middlemen in between the chain, the lesser rated quality instrument you going to get for the same money you spend.

You can go this route if you die die need to buy that Stingray or other brand.

But since you're only starting out, and don't need to be brand conscious, you'll do well with a Yamaha bass. Fair price for good quality bass instrument.

I'm not saying Yamaha is cheap... there are definitely expensive ones, and they are good quality. I'm saying that you're paying $X for a Yamaha bass here in Singapore, you'll be getting a equivalent $X level quality Yamaha bass guitar.

As opposed to paying $X for a parallel import brand of bass guitar, but because of factoring in shipping and the price markup of the shop, you'll end up getting a 60% of $X level of quality of bass guitar.
Resetti: yamaha?... hmm... would it cost over my budget? cause as i see the instruments in yamaha is not cheap. if i got the time i would head down and check it out. but now i got exams and dont have the time to head to either stores.

Subversion: i do not have any preferences but the bass i want to have must be comfortable to play with. not like a B.C rich bass which have sharp edges around and hard to play with when your sitting down cause it will poke you or so.... ( no offend to all B.C rich owners )

Musicana77: got pic?
btw also i dont mind second hand but i cant buy now cause no pay check. :lol:
maybe this month end or next.
for rewarding tones & above-average playability, i'd recommend these:

*Ibanez RD300

*Samick- Fairlane

RD300 is about $600+/-

for amps- same principle: get something pleasant for practice. recommendations:

Peavey Micro Bass

Ibanez SW20

Fender Rumble25
I've tried all 3!

Peavey is hella loud..beat the Fender Rumble25 FLAT! haha
Its got a nice simple tone too..very pleasing.

Ibanez..simple warm tone too but it has a limiter! Which both of the other amps don't. So you can have a lil more control over your tone i suppose?

Fender has an AWESOME crunch (Brian Marshall of Alter Bridge that kinda tone) which i like a lot. May not be very loud cause when you crack it up..its starts sounding funny haha The Rumble25 has some lights at the bottom which is rather cool too!

I'd have to go with the Fender imo for the best tone nice crunch and warm stuff, plus the volume thing shoudn't be much of an issue if you're using it as a practice amp! But the Peavey and the Ibanez have very nice warm clean tone if thats what you're looking for!
well. whatever brand u decide to get. my advice would be to get at least a mid range bass. of course u must first ask yourself whether you are serious about bass. IMO it would cost more if u buy an entry level bass den upgrade. might as well start off with a good instrument.
hmm.. agreed with a lot of you guys. however, i'm also wondering if i'm really into starting into a bass. Cause it was a kick to play bass.. so maybe i wont throw in too much money into the bass. it was mainly due to i just blew out my guitar amp few days ago and need to get one new one. so i think i wont have that much money... so maybe the range will fall to 400 plus... thus i think the RD is out of hand... unless there is a confirm that i would be able to get one in sweelee sales. any solutions for me?