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Some schoolmate suddenly pops onto MSN and asks me "Do they have the Tremonti SE in singapore ah???"

I do the whole explanation about why it's only available secondhand these days, and then I pop the question;

"How do you know whether you're comfortable with the Tremonti when you haven't even played one before?"

"I don't care about that."

"You wanna get your arse kicked by a guy with long hair and more makeup
then your mum wears? RIGHT HERE!"
candie said:
"Your mother is sooooooo fat. That when she jump for joooooooooooooy... She got stuck. Okay thank you."

I like:
"Soooommmeebody's gonna get hurt...Somebody...I'm not telling who...I think you know him very well...Somebody"

and of course:

I keep hitting ppl and saying "just in case" now.
ROFL. gosh. stop it.

"hey lady, where's your punani?
give me two. are they ripe? let me squeeze them. no.. no seeds."


I love the South Africans in the lift. =D
"The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear."
lol...nice quotes so far...i've got a million favourite ones man...uhm...

'confucious say: virginity like bubble. one prick and all gone!'

'Medicine, law, business, engineering; these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love; these are what we stay alive for.' -robin williams in Dead Poets' Society

and since we're on Soft.com...

"If music be the food of love, play on, give me excess of it, that surfeiting the appetite may sicken and so die...' --Twelfth Night, Shakespeare.
omg pleaseee dont remind me of lit exam. lol i've been using, "when eating no thinking" in the russell peter accent. hurhurhur.
sorry! the quote just seemed appropriate....okay how about this one?

"War doesn't determine who's right. it just determines who's left."

or this one!
"You are either with us or against us. There is no middle ground here." --George W for what-the-f***-is-he-doing Bush.

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