quite bored now.. hence this question.....

Lol ive seen people playing 3-4 chord songs, using Gibson Les Paul Standard, Marshall JCM2000 DSL 100.

I prefer to be 1st kind.

I mean example, give Eric Clapton a TGM la, see what he can do lol.
i tink most important is the talent n not the equipments .... if u r talented...every low-end things will sounds as gd as high ends 1... :smt035

dis is my kan fa... :smt003
Remember when I bought my 1st guitar, a $190 Samick Strat, the shop Ah Pek musician demonstrated playin it, I was stun that such a cheap equipment sounds so good!! But the moment I went back and try, I was so frustrated with the sound tat I almost throw it out of the window. This realli prove tat if u are at the top no matter wat u use will sounds good, but usualli those at the top will use freakin exp hi-end stuff though..... :lol:

I will choose the middle option......hehe, at least a decent above average guitar.... 8)
since i'm nowhere being a brilliant musician, you give me the money plus the equipment so that i can have lessons and if all else fail;

i'll still sound good when i play twinkle twinkle little star on the guitar.


Definitely option 1 la.... Its funny how people take notice of the lousy players with expensive gears in the first place... But seriously come to think of it, i'd rather be a 1) rich kid with 20 over guitars -> appreciating music -> self funded musician -> good musician, as opposed to 2) poor strugling musician -> samick -> unearthly skills -> dies -> 10 people pay tribute to guestbook in website.
