Quantum Soup - Notes


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I'm here to let u guys suffer aural torture of my band Quantum Soup. We recorded a "demo" so to speak in 2008 and never released it officially but we gave the 2 tracks out for free. So i thought its about time that i did some promotion of it since its free (and since our album is launching in july :p)

This demo is called Notes. So here are the 2 tracks, enjoy (or not) ^_^Y

Three Shades of Grey
Tranquil Demise

If you like what you hear, we'll be launching our album, "Coffee by the Beach" in July @ Homeclub and a pre-launch in May @ BluJazz Cafe.

Oh yeah, what we play is Quantum Rock. And i dare say we're the best band in this genre :p
Comments, criticism, love, hate is welcome!
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