Quality audio interface


New member
Hi guys.

Just wondering what's your take on the audio interfaces out on the market right now such as the ones below (all available locally).

Creative E-Mu 0404 USB
Creative E-Mu 0202 USB
Edirol UA-25
Line 6 Toneport UX2

What I'm looking for is quality (good but definitely not super high grade) at an affordable price that can last for a really long time. One day when I strike TOTO and can afford something bigger, I still want to be able to use this when I'm alone and just want to record myself, one track at a time.

Any thoughts?
i vote line6 toneport ux2. although edirol makes quality stuff. but i'm a cost efficient based guy. even the most expensive killer quality stuff can break down unpredictably.
i vote line6 toneport ux2. although edirol makes quality stuff. but i'm a cost efficient based guy. even the most expensive killer quality stuff can break down unpredictably.

I like that is has that bank of amp simlations and effects but if I decide to play live, I can't exactly bring my PC along, not to mention possible loss of tone.. haha

im getting a 0404usb

ooo.. care to share where?
i bought from an online US store called samedaymusic.com. its a warehouse resealed one so its cheaper. and im oso getting my friend to bring it back from US so there's no shipping costs.
i wouldn't call any of the above quality.....

but i've heard ok things about the line6 ....especially if u're a guitarist
preferably less than 200...

300 max if it's really worth it...

I'm not expecting too much in terms of quantity and features.
The E-Mu 0404 USB looks ok to me. I would recommend you that of your choices. However I am not sure about pricing and availability. You might want to give Creative a call. They have phased out certain E-Mu products from the market.

Also I recommend you look at M-Audio's FireWire Solo. It costs $345 from Sinamex. I can't say much sound quality wise, but both are pretty stable products.
am using Echo MIA MIDI and its never given me any problems since (5 years ago). might wanna think about it although i don't know if its still avail locally.
i mailed creative recently abt the emu and the person told me its phased out in singapore thats why i ordered from US
I ordered an EMU USB 0404 too.
Waitin for its arrival.

I think its really value for money for what it does.

havent tried it yet though
just to share, i've ordered from 8th Street Music via Amazon.com as well. their prices are pretty competitive. might wanna check it out. cheers

oh but only thru Vpost.