Problems with non supportive parents


New member
I know there is already a thread regarding parents who don't support their kids playing instruments but I couldn't find it somehow. haha. so back to the point. what if your parents don't even allow you to buy an instrument(guitar in my case)? I don't mind buying it secretly, but where should I keep it? thanks for any advice in advanced.
i bought some, i kept it in my house,
say my friend lend me =\

but i'm giving up already.
focusing on bass and piano now.

maybe you should tell them your intentions of buying a guitar? ( if you haven)
haha i have an extreme case to say the least.
they don't seem to accept any of my intentions whatsoever.
they always want me to do what they want me to do. heh.
yeahs..some parents dont seem to understand..
maybe u should tell ur parents more about guitars..
tell them that it is ur passion..
and ask them why the don't aprrove of it..

if they still don't, just buy it..ignore them..
hahas..or tell ur mum its ur fren's..
stab your parents with your guitar. you dont need them, all you need is 6 strings and a marshall mg.

lol heartless. anyway, in what way they never support you? as in like they say its a waste of time? you'll never be good in it? if so show them that you are good, prove them wrong, make them speechless. as for me. my brother was the musical talented one. he learn guitar, piano and drums. as for me just the guitar. i picked up guitar and he pull me down always. now i proved him wrong by playing a crazy solo by between the buried and me - white walls. and he was just speechless. now he's training me to push the limits of guitar.

and yea. always tell them your intentions, rebel if you must, but rebel with good reasons. not for some lousy reason that they see nothing in.
oh ya i forgot to tell you guys this.
ironically my father was once a lead guitarist of his band.
he had 9 yrs of experience before getting married to my mum which was when he quitted axe-ing. that was why i kept on wondering why wouldn't let me play it.
My mom keep asking me to practice playing my guitar til im a professional.

but i do not have enough time to play with my guitar . haha
My mom keep asking me to practice playing my guitar til im a professional.

but i do not have enough time to play with my guitar . haha

the same thing here,
my mum told me to practice piano like mad when i was young.
say grow up go be piano teacher.
then i was like " wateva"

then now i want to take music as A level sub, she kana shock like that,

but ts, since your dad was in a band before, why not get hold of his bandmates ask them for help?
who knows, they maybe softies too.
then they can tell your parents how passionate me are=]=]
haha i never did know he was a guitarist till 2 years ago...HAHA..omg i saw his axe..a gibby so nice. i'll try to dig up the pic again if i could find it. and yeah i think looking for his bandmates would be impossible heh.
tell them, "don't you want me to be happy?"

oh if they finally let you get a guitar, DO NOT QUIT HALFWAY.
parents are apprehensive when they see their kids pick up a new engagement. they become more agreeable if they know the benefits of it. ask them precisely what is it that makes them disapporove your guitar acquisition.

then ask them if they know the benefits of this acquisition- chances are, they don't. tell them (nicely) they are rather lopsided in their authority & it doesn't help your growing up process.