problems with friendster???

I switched to facebook because friendster has too many stalkers and random people can view your profile, and their server admins are messed up. FACEBOOK!!! (where weird people can't randomly steal my photos)
I can't even log on. it's taking soooo looooonngg....

UPDATe: My 125 friends (All real) just got reduced to 42. Wah lau eh...
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lol..i still stick to friendster since i've been using it for 5 years now. Well well, anyway facebook is really complicating, or am i just too lazy to learn, and i have like 300+ requests omg.
as far as i am concern, the hype friendster is dead... for a more than a year already?
People are shifting!
Facebook will soon be a base for bengs and lians to promote their pictures...
Facebook for friends.....myspace for music. SOFT is on both. So, no friends lost.

I left Friendster after i found that 99% of my friendster frenz are on FB.