problem with wireless connection


New member
hey i'm having problem with my wireless connection. i'm using a laptop & use wireless to go online. usually the connection speed ranges from 1-11mbps. but yesterday it automatically connected at higher speeds and went out of range, & it connected at 24, 36 or even 54mbps.

it is faster to surf, but the problem is after a few mins, i realized that the connection speed automatically dropped back to the 1-11mbps, & when dat happens i cant surf the net or do anything online, its like the connection is dead, but i'm still connected.

so i have to reconnect to the network, & again it is connected at high speeds, after which the same problem happens.

how to solve the problem? thanks. :D
try reset your router to factory settings? update firmware?
if not try reset your cable modem?

if not try reinstall your wireless adapter drivers?

if not , try turn off router/cable modem, then reinstall your wireless adapter drivers first. then shutdown.

everything off now.. turn on your cable modem first... then give it 1 or 2 mins to load, then turn on your router.. then start up your comp. and don't go anywhere far from your router first. make sure it's not the "distance" thats causing you problems.

poor thing ah you. over the weekend also no one help.

30¢ worth.