*Problem with Sg Music Scene


New member
Here im singing this english song while barring an asian mother tongue.2.Here to show u how i feel deep within this hole that brings me to places i'm open to explore.3.The 3rd and 4th dimensions simply lego toys building blocks & shapes.4.Together let's move it up & pass yr energy to the ones u know and store the negatives for alchemy recycling holes.
5.Tell me who i am? Born and raised in a country once ruled by the Malays.We speak different languages with awful accent pretending to be the arts central around our region yet without no originality.....The foundation that was messed up by our politicians in 45 yrs of independance....Guess they haven't figured it out what's going wrong yet.It is never too late to start off from ground Zero.

The problem with our music arts culture here in Singapore is the lack of identity,most artists i find do not work towards a style of their own,simply by leaving in a dream of chasing shadows.Another is the language we use.etc.most of the songwriters users 100% english in their songs which makes it impossible to gain international recognition.Most Asians simply sounds quite awful when singing in english due to our mother tongue.We can only try to imitate and it kills creativity.

I have studied deep into sound and realise that the one of the most powerful instrument we have is the vocals which is the crucial point if you want your song to hit the audience.

1.We need mentors to locate original talents and give them proper support from The National Arts Council in order to fully develop the artists.

2.Encourage clubs & radio Djs to dig good local music and play them to our people.

3.With the upcoming IR,more than 60 pubs & clubs will be opening.We could use that as a starting point as to place local bands and original artists there for performances,not hiring overseas band to play old cover songs.

4.Engage the film,commercial and advertising industry to use music works from our local artist which would provide jobs for a lot of independant music producers here in Singapore.

Your comments will be mostly appreciated,
Jack Fan
just want you to know that i really agree. but there really isn't anything to do, time will give us a culture and an identity
I have studied deep into sound and realise that the one of the most powerful instrument we have is the vocals which is the crucial point if you want your song to hit the audience.
Thanks for your input, you have raised some pretty relevant points and ideas.
However.. from the above portion that I quoted from your post you place a strong emphasis on Vocals.

So..No Love for the Instrumental Musicians in Singapore?

After all, you said "SG Music Scene", which of course comprises of the guitarists, drummers, bassists, keyboardists, violinists, etc.

As you've already said, Singaporeans don't sound good on Vocals due to their accents and all, so I'm curious, why do you still choose Vocals in the end?

I hope I don't come across as sounding condescending or doubtful, I'm just curious and I wanna know more about your Opinion.

^ also, correct me if i'm wrong but I think this forum - "Feedback and Suggestion" is actually catered to the improvement of the Technical aspects of SOFT?
i dont think its the accent, if its really the accent, you might as well ask a Singaporean band to go for cosmetic surgery too.
aiya. let it be lah. Just get out of singapore. unless you're like me who come from a not very well-to-do family background. then suck thumb liao loh. stuck in SG for life. ):
I have to disagree with you. I know alot of vocalist who can sing pretty well with fluent English. If your dictions not so good u gotta attend lessons to improve it. with practice, u should be able to do fine. And i've seen bands with killer originals. It's not true that singaporeans arent original. There are ppl out there trying to make a difference.

I feel that the problem isnt with the musicians. It's the people in the country. Music is pretty much like football or any other sport. I guess 1 out of 20 fottball fans in singapore watch the S-league. The rest watch the EPL, Spanish league, Italian and so on. Its sorta the same with music. We're heavily influenced by the western media that we forget that we actually have some really good local talent. Or most people will be like, 'eh singapore band ah??? knn lousy la. go see mtv better'. If people can by the local Creative MP3 player why not our local music???

The other reasons the funds and resources the government pumps in and stuff. They tend to neglect both sports and music. Most of the money goes to education and stuff like the casinos and whatever. Even radios dont usually play the local stuff(ill get to that soon). They do but i guess its 1/100 of the time. Thats not enough for the band to get recognition.

i guess the reason y most bands don't get airplay is cos the sound's pretty crappy. The sound we get isnt as good as the westerners most of the time cos most local musicians aren't willing to spend for a better recording sound. The reason is cos we dont get much support. getting an awesome sound isnt cheap.

Take Indonesia for example. They totally support their own music. Even when it comes to Metal, they support their local bands like heroes.

If singapore can solve all these problems, we'll have a killer music scene.

Well, i support local music all the way. I Buy local Cds and all. Anyone cant make a difference. support your , good, awesome local musician.

Damn, im really bored:p

Thrash and destroy!!!
theres no problem w accent and diction when it comes to music.. listen to Jamaican artists and you will clearly hear their accent, and the best this, is the world embraced it cos it sounds Jamaican.. being original is being yourself.. now if you try and copy say.. British accent.. you're not being original.

Singlish sounds original.. go and record one song using it.. don't be shy it is distinctively Singaporean what
You must know that 70% of Singaporean are Chinese. Beside English,got cpop, kpop and jpop. Asian song around our borders too. We have good enviroment to absorb many kind of music. We just lack good organzation to promote local music. Simple question. Which local record company that promote local artist well? None. We don't have Avex(japan) or SM Entertainment(Korean) that grow from indie to international record company. Talent we have a lot, but to build a industry.None.
yr suggestions are easier said than done: not unless u are the president of SG haha as u know our entire SG is run but 1 & only 1 concept: $$$ money rules: so u can suggest good ideas bet none will be used if it doesn't generate $$$$ lots of $$$$

Haha. You stole the words right out of my mouth.

It all comes down to $$. Honestly, the industry is not attractive AT ALL. That's what's wrong.
REPLY to All

I failed coz i was trying to get fame & money out of what i did.
The most important thing is to look inwards and bring out the essence from within.
Not by chasing rainbows & shadows from the strong Music Culture Overseas.

I am still researching externally & developing the state of consciousness.Hope same goes out to ALL local Artists & Musicians out there..so chill.

Relaxation is the key to the soul,Not control.

Warmest Regards,
Jack Fan
economics is a man made concept that has doomed us for pretty much eternity. More people should start looking inwards. Only then will there be hope.
err what.? you're using spiritual ideas to tackle a problem of economics?

Now, that's a new idea. :D

If any of you actually bothers to read your Economics notes, it's very easy to figure out why a music industry is unable to survive very well in Singapore.

It all boils down to money. Till the day when a band is able to attract thousands of people to watch them live, I believe each and every of us will have something to lament about our scene.

PS: It gets tiring now when somebody tries to rake up the idea of a lousy, underrated music scene. I thought we had enough?
To me well. We have a strong local scene. we have talents.
but we don't have the market. even though its growing.
Nobody would buy the band

and also. I guess we are too influenced to actually create a style of our own, most of us don't realize that with creativity, singlish can actually be made into a nice accent of the songs. Look at what irish, austra's, hong kong and all the laughable accent countries did. They have their own unique sound. Most of us are afraid and reluctant to explore i guess.

But really. I think we have the talents
The government, the pubs and the other stakeholders have no intention to think on your lofty philosophical artistic idealist highground. It's all down to earth, really.

And then I'm a bit confused about what you're thinking. You're suggesting that locals find their identity and sing in singlish? Or should we try harder to sing with a better sounding accent? Sure, not everyone here can sing 100% like a brit or what but how well do you think can you speak, write and sing in Mandarin then?

Are you saying we shouldn't write in 100% English and mix some Hokkien and Malay and Mandarin in just to not limit ourselves in terms of creativity? I don't get how trying to sing in proper english kills creativity. You want to keep the local Singaporish identity and yet go international at the same time? To me that's even more impossible than going international with a less than authentic English accent.
I think we should start with Spellcheck first. Check the number of spelling mistakes we have JUST in this thread.

I'm guilty as anyone honestly, based on my current reliance on Spellcheck.

But this has been irking me for a while. Someone has posted this a few years back, especially while looking through the Buy-and-Sell section.

Equipment and stuff are collective nouns. They are like sheep; they do not have plural forms. Go and count how many times the words 'equipments' and 'stuffs' are used in this forum. If you get a dollar every time you see it here, you might be even richer than the last Toto winner.

Accents are hardly the biggest worry. The linguistic ability to craft decent lyrics (and to spell them correctly) could be one. I'm very much guilty of these flaws as well and perhaps, think an improvement in the language would be better.

Unless you are Guyrence, of course. I <3 the guy. He should NEVAH change!