Problem: Vox da5 has a short buzzing sound


New member
My vox da5 alwiz has a short buzzing sound whenever i move around with my guitar connected to the amp. Is the problem wif the amp or the jack? Bt surprisingly, i didnt drop my amp b4 and my jack stil looks fine. No frays. It couldnt be my guitar as i didnt drop or slammed it as well. Can someone give me some opinions? Thnx.:)
check if your instrument cable is properly secured. having the jack to be turning inside the input all the while might cause bzzzzzzzzzt noises.
Oh ya eh... I just realised tat my jack is not secured when im movin arnd. How do i secure it anyway? Wil the buzzin damage my amp or guitar?
uhhh. well you know how some people hook their cables behind the strap? keeps the cable in place. if you play at home WITHOUT a strap, then ensure that there is some slack for your cable (i hope you got a cable which is long enough). having tension would cause it to move around inside the input jack.
I have a velcro strap on my jack. Bt to hook it, izzit suppose to make the jack in place? So wads the keepin some slack ting abt?
letting it slack means having a generous length of your cable loose, and not having any pull.

and.. what's with the velcro strap on your jack. O_O
Haha.. Well, the velcro strap is for wrappin the guitar chords when u wanna stop jammin. I wonder if thers other usage for it lyk wad u mentioned?
OH ok i know what you mean. uhhh the point is to secure the cable by going BEHIND your strap. shall show you 2 pictures of random dudes.



see how their cables go behind their strap, then back in front to the input jack? that secures the head to prevent it from moving.