Comparison between Edwards LP and a Gibson LP Standard

yes i have to really stress that , Gibsons.. cannot be bought blindly... you must test... try and re-test before buying... and re-test with new strings etc... my standard lp also took me a long time to find. (thanks eugene)

Before that i was a firm believer that gibsons only made turds. Me and nanoshred were real gibson haters :)

recently ive also tried some gibbys that just plain sucked... binding looked like it was installed by a blind guy with his feet... inlays were cut to shape with his teeth and the guitar sounded terrible...

but somehow me and him ended up with gibby lps leh ... so ironic.
i just went to G77. tried the gibson LP classic and the edwards LP there.

all i can say is, WOW. the edwards felt nicer than the gibson, but in terms of tone, the gibson won. but the gibson had a slim 60s neck which appealed more to me. the construction of both were great, but the gibson was wine red while the edwards was sunburst. real nice, very well made. but the neck's kinda thick for my small hands. :lol:

and i tried the heritage. wah it's awesome, even when the strings are rusty. sounds damn good, even though it's slimmer than usual. but cosmetic wise it doesnt have the sunburst and the nice trapezium inlays.

i'm really considering that edwards.
The edwards uses SD 59' and JB pickups so it wouldn't sound that similar to a Gibson. Put in gibson burstbucker pros and you'll have a guitar that plays and sounds better than the gibson. Now there's nothing to worry about so just go for it!
Money aside.

Consistency wise, i'd have to hand it to edwards. They seem to be able to produce their single cut guitars at a very consistent level. So far they have all been very playable and sound good. Also, they look really good.

Not so for gibson, i feel. Took me around 5 years to find one i liked alot recently (bought it in a jiffy). Gibson has some major issues with being consistent.

Recently i tried a brand new 70s style custom shop. I held it, took one look, thought it was third hand. Uneven finishing, shades of shiny parts and dull parts.

Binding was all over the place and you can even see them used different colours of binding at the sides. As if they ran out of the same material. Neck to body joint was very also done in a very messy fashion.

Guitar was not chambered but weighed ridiculous. I couldn't even hold in up for more then 2 mins. I reckon probably 8kg? I am sure its around there or heavier. Didn't even bother trying it. Just one of the many cases where gibsons ranging from 5-8k have absolutely not delivered in any department.

For the wide range of les paul models from gibsons, a great one can be in any of the series, the studios, the classics, the standards, customs, etc. But i would never buy a les paul blind without testing. Its like asking to be kicked in the nuts by an angry woman.

If i had to buy blind, i'd rather go with Edwards or PRS

talking about consistency, does it affect the SG Standards as well? anyone care to share?
SGs...k i now own six SGs...four of them are orville by gibson...and the last being the epi iommi...
the current SGs i've seen are pretty consistent, especially the '61 reissue.

but the SG fadeds are a real mix bunch in terms of its body construction, there have been cases of some having up to 6 pieces, tho on average its around 3.

the standards are pretty good too, but i dont really like them cos of the large pickguard and of cos their chunky necks, just doesnt seem to fit well and makes the neck even heavier.
60s slim taper are always the way to go with SGs.

as for LPs, one thing thats always bugged me about the current mass-produced LP standards, is that its hard to find a nice looking flame top, unless of cos you pay custom shop prices.
LPs tho i prefer 50s necks :P
as for LPs, one thing thats always bugged me about the current mass-produced LP standards, is that its hard to find a nice looking flame top, unless of cos you pay custom shop prices.
LPs tho i prefer 50s necks :P

blame the manufacturer's decision to incorporate a lesser flame grade for them...
blame the manufacturer's decision to incorporate a lesser flame grade for them...

Actually, I'd blame our local distributor more for not bringing in the nicer pieces. Ikebe Gakki in Shibuya had tons of Gibby LP Standards and ALL with fantastic tops!!! Even the Gold Tops I saw in Musicvox in Akihabara has the flame so prominent that it was showing THROUGH the gold paint!!!!:twisted:
yea, while the ones i see here, its either very bad flame, or the sunbursts have too much pink in the center...
in that case, the Gibson people might have put some sense into current production pertaining to the flame grade. the AA maple grade are on the 2004-2006 models, which aren't appealing IMO :-o
actually when gibson says AA, its the minimum they would put on it.
so the QC varies from some nicer flames to duller looking ones which can barely be seen, like the ones here.

i've also seen LP faded standards with very beautiful flames...of cos not here :P
yes, their minimum is an insult to the guitar. if it's an LP Studio then we might understand the economic undertones but it's an LP Std...
come to think of it, japan also gets some real dull ones.
i recently saw a 2006 LP Std brought it from japan...the red in the sunburst was so strong, it almost hid the barely visible flames.
and there was so much red in it, that the center rather than being a nice yellow/orangish finish was almost pinkish.
someone did buy it tho, cos was at a pretty nice price, RM5200.
i personally like black bursts, tho i dont own one with that finish yet...
perhaps the SG supreme in translucent black should be my next target...which should hopefully be sometime within the next 6-9 months :P