Primary school kids smoke at bully at public playground

Wah 10-12 yr old smoking... Like big deal like that. I find kindergarden kids exchanging porn websites even more disgusting(dammit I don't even watch porn lor).

Anyway, 30MINS?!?! wth is wrong with society man... I mean kids bullying is ok la, been around since long long ago, but the not helping part? Srsly I'm bloody grateful I hold on to my religion strongly and my parents sure did a helluva good job raising me up, teaching me proper values.

About bullying back part: IMO, Violence breeds violence. Bullying back would only cause more harm to be done. If not in a short term, probably in a long run will the effects take place.

And to think they are our "future generation". I'd rather die then to be led by these kind of people. But I would consider migrating to a less developed, more morally upheld society.
And to think they are our "future generation". I'd rather die then to be led by these kind of people. But I would consider migrating to a less developed, more morally upheld society.

While I agree that I would absolutely HATE to see such imcompetence rule over my nation, we must acknowledge the fact that they are mere kids. Even if one of these people end up becoming PM next time, chances are he/she will hardly even remember this incident.

All of us have done ridiculous things when we were young, maybe even now. But that doesn't mean that we are evil bad bastards right?

We shouldn't overreact.
Personally, the first person I would have f**ked if I was there at the scene would be the Stomper.

"Eh! Enough pictures or not? Come accompany scold those stupid kids! I scared later they come and bite me and cling on to my legs lah!"


True what! Haven't you seen those movies eg. Ghoulies or those with violent midgets clambering all over you and biting your arms and legs while you are flailing about, and OMG, your family jewels too! Scary, I tell you!!!

This is the Ghoulies movie, if you haven't seen it.


Ok ok... jokes aside - somebody here is damn right. The education system has failed yet another Singaporean.

The thing is, not everybody is smart or lucky enough to be in a complete, non-dysfunctional family, and I believe this result in incidents involving juvenile delinquents like the ones you see here.

I mean, kids are kids, and some kids may be genuinely stupid due to malnourishment, poverty or whatever but all it takes is a responsible adult to take control of this kind of situation and do whatever is necessary to get these kids disciplined and punished accordingly, if the victim was hurt in any way.

I mean, c'mon - you are an adult and you have been exposed to knowledge and education and the opportunities to learn, your brains are well-developed such that you know how to operate a digital camera, connect it to the PC, upload them up and then post an entry on Stomp and you can't even do such a simple thing as stopping what was obviously injustice done to a child by several other children?!

Obviously, kids emulate what they see other adults do, and I can't really fault the kids if they are left to their devices like this, and not provided guidance by their parents or guardians.

So, you can't really blame the kids as long as moronic, irresponsible, gutless adults like this Stomper, exist.

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From the responds so far, most of the SOFTies here will stop these bullying if they witness such situation. It is good to see such love and care.

Just a little reminder, remember to safeguard your own safety at all times. Bad things happen when we least expected it.

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