preferred bass strings?


New member
mine's rotosound the standard strings in the yellow package how about ye guys?btw any of ya llaa noe how to get the steve harris trademark strings?
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currently using DR String Extra Life...
quite satisfy. Still bright after 2 months of every day 1 or 2 hrs of playing.

Anyone know where to get double ball stirngs for steinberger headless bass. Was thingking of getting from one of the forumers but afraid the strings are hard to find..

Im not sure whether anyone of you heard of strings from Cleartones..

Its quite expensive ..cost me around $55/- per set for 4 string basses.

Its really good and gives a nice rounded tone..apart from that, its almost rust proof...good for people who have sweaty palms like me...Haha..
i've heard of them. super thin coating. but i of the shops carrying them i only know standardvalue. maestro only sells cleartone guitar strings.

are they long lasting? i have used elixirs before. although they lasted long they eventually started flaking on me.
Yo Bro Shinobi,

Yup I got mine form Standard Value through MIKE's reccommendations. He has loads of them, Guitar & basses (4 & 5 strings).. hes quite a nice fellow too.. I do my set up there as well as other misc repair works.

So Far, I have used Cleartones for almost six months and no signs of rust.. i suppose it should be long lasting but as I said..a bit expensive la..

Unlike some other strings...Haha. I would give it one month at most and it would probably turn brown & flaky..
I like Fender stock strings alot. Gives my P a great tone.

P.S. Don't you think "preferred bass strings" should go into Bass- Gear?
rotorsound has extremely long life but i prefer DR cause it sounds better for slap pop. sad thing is, i broke the A string while poping. dotn know much about the internal construction but looks like it has a really thin core, easier to break.
imho rotosound nickels last for only a short time. and many people complain about the wear it does to the fretboard. so since then i've never gone back to rotosound. although the tone is great.. for a while.

i use DR longnecks but its a little too bright. goigng to try warwick EMP strings now. $80 for a 5 string set. hope it's worth it.

Im not sure whether anyone of you heard of strings from Cleartones..

Its quite expensive ..cost me around $55/- per set for 4 string basses.

Its really good and gives a nice rounded tone..apart from that, its almost rust proof...good for people who have sweaty palms like me...Haha..

wow that's really great i have sweaty palms too dat'll be a great help.55 to last for an amount of time sounds good htough.ha.
i actually think 55 is pretty fair considering they are coated

but woodlands damn far away lah... and i dont want to acknowledge that i am a lazy arse by paying for delivery
No worries, TS. Anyone has sound samples of Cleartone strings in action? Hard to "hear" what they sound like based on words.
I use DR Fat Beams for fretted basses, because they sound & feel very nice and last quite long. For fretless, I use Elixir Nanowebs - expensive, but last very long on fretless.
@ crenz: thx for the tip on the strings to use for fretless! I never liked the sound-vs-price of the elixirs on normal basses, but since i'm gonna get a fretless soon, I'll definitely take into consideration to try them out again ;)

My choice for strings: DRs, Prisms (D'a..), ProSteels (D'a..), ESPs (can't find in local stores)
i really like ghs flea boomers on my ibanez atk very nice attack but they don't last for long...
currently have rotosounds round nickel ones 105-45 on my p which i think i'll stick with for rock. they have the awesome p bass growl when used with a pick (used to have ti jazz flats which are awesome for blues and jazz and john mayer stuff haha
for my j i'm experimenting with d'addarios which are pretty decent but i find them abit too zingy/modern sounding... might try out rotos or ti superalloys next. dr is very good for a modern j bass sound but that's not what i'm into now adays.
just strung up Warwick EMPs on my Warwick. SUPERB! brings out the growl a lot more than my previous set of DR long necks. too bad it cost $80 for my 5 string set :(