Practice amps: Peavey or Yamaha?


New member
Peavey Microbass Vs Yamaha F-20B

I need a small practice amp for the bass, can anyone share about the differences between these 2 models in terms of quality and price?

Where can I get a microbass amp?

i was a bedroom jammer for so long, maybe i can provide some feedback... i used both before, but never owned them

to me the microbass was more defined in terms of tone. the f-20b is a bit muddy, and the eq pots (4 band i think) don't really cut it, the taper is awful and not sensitive at all. on a seperate note i also find laney amps quite muddy

you might also wanna consider the ibanez SW25. if you have abit more cash, there's the SWR LA10; i own one, and it's for keeps 8)

peavey, swr, ibanez can be found at swee lee. yamaha at music plaza
i would like to add the hartke A25 is pretty nice too.
im using the A70.
very nice slap tones due to the aluminum cone.
I own a Yamaha F20B. I bought it after comparing it to the Crate amp that they are selling at Music Plaza, and seriously the Crate sounded really bad. the F20B was quite muddy I agree, but I kinda like the tone! :) Anyways, I set the EQs of the amp flat now since I'm getting a really good tone with the Hartke Bass Attack pedal.

I've been regularly using a Hartke Kickback 15 at the studio, and really when I get the cash, I'm going to buy that. I'm really impressed with that amp.
Thanks to everyone for the great feedback. Seems like the Hartke is also quite popular. Does Sweelee carry them? How much?
citymusic is the official distributor. you can call them for an instant quote, i did it before

ratboy: where can i find ashdown amps here? damn if only i could get my hands on the mini stack thing by ashdown
citymusic is the official distributor. you can call them for an instant quote, i did it before

ratboy: where can i find ashdown amps here? damn if only i could get my hands on the mini stack thing by ashdown

Bought mine used here
but i think Ranking Sport carries Ashdown stuff
haha do you think ranking will put an order for me...

anyway i prob wont upgrade amp until i see the light and become an fx-free bassist
+1 to the Micro Bass.

Ibanez's Sound Wave amps are also value for money. recommended: SW35

the F20B was quite muddy I agree, but I kinda like the tone! :) Anyways, I set the EQs of the amp flat now since I'm getting a really good tone with the Hartke Bass Attack pedal.

haha yeah that's what i do with my F20B too. it's good as a flat response amp, but not much else. this thread was a welcome read because i'm also looking for a better amp. haha.