Posting Results ( where did you end up?)

today's the last day for TPJC appeal.. gosh idk weather to appeal or not........
It's okay, as long as you're not appealing into CJ! In CJ, when lessons are over (or in my case, BEFORE lessons are over) you'll find yourself out of sch at Far East Plaza! Our resident playground... =_="
It's okay, as long as you're not appealing into CJ! In CJ, when lessons are over (or in my case, BEFORE lessons are over) you'll find yourself out of sch at Far East Plaza! Our resident playground... =_="

Aren't CJC people very sexually active? Pardon my blatant-ness. haha!
Hmm... Yeah just needa walk to the top floor of s6 can occasionally see free shows... Most probably choke to death too if you donch smoke... Haha secret place! don't tell anyone.
S6 is top secret. Even teachers can't locate it... So it shall not be revealed here lest they do a search on google and that'll definitely blow our cover... Or my junior's cover... Which i don't quite care about actually. Haha :twisted:
in poly if u relax... u wont be able to get into the uni... and in singapore, as everyone knows, u just cant live a good life without a degree. and very soon, even a degree wont be enough. haha