Posting Results ( where did you end up?)

i wanna go TPJC. :( ......

seeing most of my mates on the 07 batch.. gaah... too bad my points can't make it...

Visa, do they emphasize on bands?? i play drums and read scores if they count that as something to audition for to get a place in it.. :)

Yeah, we are! We'll be playing at RJC on the 29th but I don't think non-students are allowed in. We'll also be playing at Youth Park on 2nd March from 10am to 12nn I believe! :D


It's a shame, TPJC's a really great place! Are you asking about DSA/appeal through concert band percussion? You could try!
it simply says that you're not clear and concise enough with your dissemination of information and your flow of logic. so if you wanna put a point forward.. put a point forward.. not back down your throat. =D cheers and i do not mean this as an insult.. its a suggestion. take it or leave it your choice.. =)

yup i'm takin' it. not leavin' it
My bassist is most probaly going into sp's dmat cuz she has a place there already. Now she has to convince her parents to let her go after taking A level results... =/

good on you! :D I think the atmosphere got a little heated a little unnecessarily there. What say we all run into each other at a gig or something and have a good laugh!

good on you! :D I think the atmosphere got a little heated a little unnecessarily there. What say we all run into each other at a gig or something and have a good laugh!

i'm down with that man! which gig should we go?

yea. i guess i started the unfriendly atmosphere. sorry guys!
Theres only one gig to go!

1st march to 2nd march @ *scape

OVERNIGHT! 1pm to 1pm

Reckless Landing!
A Tale Of Catastrophe!
Random Arrival!
Armchair Critic!

Who else playing sia? :/
Yeah, nearly every school in NP has its own orientation camp. Head down to the FMS one lah, it's a good way of getting to know the people you'll be seeing ALOT of once the new semester starts.