Post sound clips of your bass (GAS warning)

sry i took so long to reply.. heh. been bz..

i've d/led ur clips exin.. haha v nice work. and i nv knew an ibanez can sound so warm and mellow..

i like ur layering.. the chord work on your funk track sounds a lot like organs.. haha... hammons.. hehe..

thankew! i finally figured out how victor wooten did his Amazing Grace .. of couse i'm not there yet lah . but something close .. still practicing .. once i get my chops down i'll do a recording of it .. i'm working on another pure slap riff also .. will put it up soon and also a instrumental version of How Great Thou Art .. =) .. thanks softies ..
3notesAbar said:
Wow Victor's version of Amazing Grace...thats a tough one...Good luck!! :oops:

i got the harmonics part down .. the funk part also .. i can't do the double-thumb one though .. ahahah . it's crazy .. but i'm stuck at the percussive funk part .. i know that Victor uses two hand to apply the percussive part but i just can't get it right .. bleah ... *work work*
Twin sister... Trb5ii, Just 2 single coils in a soapbar housing with dumb coils to prevent teh single coil hummering. Once again, direct thru soundcard, thru a 2 dollar cable (a result of buying basses too often), Bass knob set at 60%, Mid knob 60%, treble 40%. I dont think i played around with the pickup settings much as i like the dual pickup sound alot. Ctrl-C Ctrl-V:
Problem with Yousendit

The problem is that it expires and doesn't allow for that many downloads. Try Soundclick?
hah! i finally got my site up ..

alrightiy .. i did a solo composition recently .. you guys can check it out at

it's an embedded sound file under one of my earlier post .. i think should be 12th of december lah .. thanks!
raising the dead...

i just restrung my bass and my amp's at a friends place so i'm playing through laptop -> headphones for now. this is just me being tired and screwing around, so you get to hear all my cockups and whatnot ;)

marcus miller 4 -> ehx whitefinger compressor -> dt-10 (doesnt matter but it may to some) -> boss bass eq (upper mids boosted + 50hz a bit) -> boss od3 (not on) -> sansamp tri-ac (fender amp model)
Now that my wallet has finally recovered from the purchase of my nordstrand SC5 2 years ago :hiding: I've managed to pull together some cash to score a 2nd hand M-Audio firewire solo off the bay and do recordings!! Woohoo!!

Body wood: Black Limba
Neck: Maple/Wenge
FB: Braz rosewood
pups: DC5 (wired in series)

Recordings done with the eq flat. It's also my first time recording, so please forgive me if it's a little less than stellar :p

As an added bonus, I've also recorded it through the amazing a A-Designs REDDI!

Bridge pan (with treble rolled off slightly)
REDDI bridge

Both pups full
REDDI both pups full

Neck pan (with treble rolled off slightly)
REDDI neck

Hope your ears don't fall off listening to it :p
BTW - the clips are in m4a format will only be up for a week... unless of course some generous soul would like to host them :)