Post sound clips of your bass (GAS warning)

oh yeah...pls ignore the bad mix too...ahehe..just to share the sound of the bb1500a which i think is a good aternative for those who wants a modern jazz copy bass minus the hefty price tag of a good fender..
My Digital Performer is dead until I download the patch for OS 10.4, so all I have is this old clip recorded as a riff idea. Drums were played on keyboards, playing hiccups here and there. Nothing fancy, I dun wanna disgrace myself putting some slap clip after Kelvin posted his haha :mrgreen:

This is my GIM fretted 6 string, with the Bartolinis split as single coils.
Hey, tried recordign some clips of my bass using sound recorder on windows :x but the line level is always too soft no matter how much I turn up the gain, short of distorting the signal. How do you do your recording?
3notesAbar said:
I cant remember the link, but you could also do a search for Kristal. Free software!
This one's amazing for a free software. But when I try to export the mix, it gives me some mix left/right error or something. Any idea what's wrong?
Err its just my bass's name.

Cmon people, get a small jack convertor 1/4" to headphone size, plug in to your comp sound card and record away!