Lets be nice.
Be Opened with their dressings..
I simply don't see why are music related with dressings.
Music is Music.
Style is Style.
Posers are those who thinks he/she really know what he/she is wearing.but they don't
Im not against them or anything..
but they claim to be that culture.... What to do??
I saw a group of girls who wore Red And Black. Call themself EMO CORE(think so, red tie and black shirt) cause they are fans of PAUL TWOHILL . In fact, they don't look at all like EMO CORE. But most embarassing thing is, One of them wore a Tudung with black shirt and tie! AIYO!!!
That is called Poser.
Then I saw same case.
A guy wanna act EMO CORE (red tie with black shirt). He wore a black shirt, you like those pasar malam quality, with pokka dots things inside the shirt (no offence). Then wear RED TIE, and gloves. YUCKS! HE DON'T EVEN LOOKED LIKE ONE!.
That is called Poser.
Listening to Music, like metals etc etc , doesnt mean u have to dress like metal.
Music Is Universal.
Well, Thats my point of view. No Offence to anyone here ok?