poetry/lyrics section

Fingertips touch
Sending sparks waltzing
Through soft night sky

Skin on skin
Shiver down spine
Comfort you provided
On it I dine

Connected thoughts
Unexplainable intimateness
Silence is speech

I found you at last
I don’t know why myself
But I love you.
Your love’s burning a hole in me
Allow me to fall into this wonderful abyss
Cuddled in your gentle embrace
Lead me into this ideal world, rose upon your grace

Your love’s burning a hole in me
Allow me to melt into your soft cotton candy kiss
Cushioned in your protective arms
Never ever letting me come into any harm

Your love’s burning a hole in me
Allow me to crown you as the only one that I need
Chained in hate, now you set me free
Your love’s burning a hole in me

Amor vincit omnia.

Clinical Depression

For I am the Sin
Damnation of society
The epitome of anomie
Marked since Birth
Wretchedness I brought
In my fears and despondencies


Burn me!
Burn me!
Imperfections they go with me!
Slice me!
Slice me!
So my flaws will vanish with me!
Hang me!
Hang me!
Peccability gone with me!
Kill me!
Kill me!
For I am the Sin!

Demented creature
Born into hallucinations
A dimension that seems to be
Cursed by apathy
Plagued by despair
A contagious disease

Chorus x 2

That's all I've got for now. I still need to lengthen the verses and maybe add a bridge.
Cool thread.

Let's see if I can match up to the level.

Here is a song I have yet to record. It's called "Empire Down"


Here lies the fable. Not of Caine and Able.
Not about the crossing of the alps liken to Hannibal.
Not about the hell voids, nor about the heavenly doors
Not about the fall of angels to a place called nevermore.
It's a tale about a nation of gods. Yes!
Divine master race adored and abhored.
Lords of heaven and space, and earth's crust and core
Who dictates what takes place, and what had happened before.
In a place where time created a race, made
To take over the throne of the continentals.
A bloodline, that stretches beyond the ages
Beyond the pages, embedded in the Holy Bible
Now that the intro to the fable is served
Like a gourmet on the table, a verse
Garnished with flamboyant words
It's time to drop the second verse from a higher level
With lyricals through the vision of another man...


"My fury quakes my soul," he said.
"To reap what our silence has sowed," he said.
"Till the last of my breath I vow,
"To see the last of an empire down..."


In the age of the heartless,
I wage war with the gutless!
And I will rage till the day that I'm bloodless!

"My eyes burn. Everytime I set my sights
On the years gone by where at every turn
I had to witness the pains of the citizens
That had suffered under iron fists
When prayers come to naught. When blessings can only be bought
With a fistful of gold or a goblet of gore, Filled
With the virgin veins of maidens that were made to be graced
By the holy lords, stripping them fresh for the gods
But it's just a facade. So let the truth now unfold
An age old believe is just a way to control
Through the power of fear. Through the rivers of tears.
Accumulate hate through the passing years
Cos it's just a facade, that had infected the times
The house of the gods, is just a house full of lies
But now I, brandish my fist up high
To see misery cease. To claim back our life!"



A nova struck chords with the sigh of resentment
And the people of the nation orchestrate a rebellion
That brews in the middle of the celestial land
Led by an angry lone voice of a man
And thus the grains of sands that lands
In the bottom half of the glass,
Stirs in the fury that reacts in turn
Bury the history of centuries of hypocrisies down under
To justify the silent screams that reach the yonder.
And ponder no longer what happens to the godly race
With an insatiable taste for plunder, murder and rape
Suffice to say the days of the masters
Ripped down to parts and torn apart into tatters.
But never give a thought that the fable I bought
Could not relate and reflect to our time and place, and beyond
Because history dictates that an angry voice
Will forever resonate these words.




Btw, in case anyone wondering, this is a rap piece.

You lyrics sound like some Death, black or metalcore song. I think your intention was to make them gored out right? It's gonna sound little silly if sang.


That's very nice lyrics you've got there.
Hey fool,
Yeah, you.
Just tell me what we're supposed to do.
Everyone's in deep shit because of you.

Hey freak,
Yes you pig.
Everyone's left us alone and blue.
They've left us for something new.

Nothing can stop them now
And they don't care
Everyone's happy over there,
And I just don't care-

Hey f***head,
Yeah, you.
I want my f***ing freedom too.
I'll get everything I want back from you.

Nothing will break me now
Cuz I don't f***ing care.
Nothing's gonna stop me now,
Cuz I don't freaking care.


Strange, you know, I'm kind of a noob metal head, so, I didn't realise this sounded like The Downward Spiral's songs by NiN till someone told me. O_o;
I once had a head like a durian
When the kids saw me, they ran
They called me "Spiky The Head", that's what they said
They thought that I'd never get laid

So came a spider, who sat down beside me
I never quite like creepy crawlies
So I f*cked it hard, with my durian head
F*cked it so hard, it winded up dead

What's the moral of the story? Well, I don't quite know
But I invented the phrase 'Go F*ck spider, lah!", as the saying goes

Creatures of appearance.
Swallowed by self indulgence and
Necessity to demote others.
In the mere imagination of
The air spaces echoing between
The wall of their skulls.
Belittling and scorning.
For the sake of their own
Artificial uplifting.
Temporary ecstasy
Marked down by their own
Permanent shallowness.

Beings reduced to jument,
Thoughts led on a leash
Like a low-down dog
By emotions;
Animal instincts.
Deterioration of brains;
De-evolution into
Creatures motivated
By wrath and lust.
Lack of perceiving
Cells in their
Beastly bodies.
He crawled a long way, on all fours.
Along the narrow winding road.
Blank his mind was, and numbed his nerves,
For all the lachrymal lies he swallowed.

Mask of skin, once supple and fair,
Now attenuated by the ticks of the clock.
It recalls stories of martyrdom,
And of the acid that drenched it drear,
Tore and raped through the tenderness,
And incensed it right down to the core.

"For freedom and liberty!" His tongue used to lash,
Prior to when the mirror’s existence ceased.
It used to stand before him in false grandeur,
And celebrate itself in the game of hide and seek -
The reflection he saw was free of pretense,
Before it degraded into relics.

What lies hidden was then exposed,
Raw and bared, grotesque as it was.
His vision betrayed him, explicit treason -
Pried the curtains apart; pinned the windows ajar.
The world beneath himself, pernicious.
The impact shook him off his stand.

Society disposed him in the churning machine,
With its teeth it welcomes him, tearing him into shreds
Disassembled his body into pieces and then
Sin melted his jument in flames and heat,
Moulded him into another mannequin.
An object of inert indifference.

Disintegrity fogged his sight.
A blind child of fabrication and mendacity,
He is now another one of us -
Remains that perceives in black and white.

She a Homo sapien
Dreamed to take flight
But she entered without wings
Mere limbs were all
That she possessed
Regarded as abhorrent weight
It stapled her down
Way beneath her hopes
Suffocation those appendage bring
She denied herself
Shut out her own disposition
And refused to surrender to fate

She knew not her limits
Acknowledged not the borders
Of chimera and laws of science
Such immense trust she had
Believed too much in herself
And way over judged her capability
Left in the back of her mind
Forgotten her mortality lies
And so as her insanity blinds
Acceptance of herself
As body and blood
Was completely beyond her capacity

She was led
By negated ambitions
To soar amongst cotton candy
Hence she sculpted
Wax wings of abnegation
Melted and attached onto skin
She trod among stars
Into the vacuum
Towards Venus and Mercury
Such joy upon her
It carved into her eyes
Celestial incense of serene

Time compressed
In fractions of blinks, surreal
Objects that sprinted past seem
Hovering before
The Solar System King
Ornamented in leaves of fall
Hypnotized by flames
Raving across nothingness
On a fresh dose of ecstasy
Fear was overpowered
She sped into waltzing arms
As the fiery leaping whips call

She sank into the waters
Of the timeless void
When those wax wings liquefied
Dripped tears without saline
Drops of white mass
It tore at her blank tarpaulin
Wax memories swirled
Wrapped her in its blanket
The typhoon consumed her might
It stripped her down
Bared her to the core
From the illusions for which she sinned

She remains relentless
Yet again she attempted
To rise above her earthly genes
Her will remained
As strong as diamond
In the aid of a helium tank
Her hands sought for
The linking tube
Down the depths of her larynx
Pumped too hard
Bloated her cells
Too much helium she did grant

She expanded
And inflated like a balloon
Her jument exploded into pieces
Flesh were scattered
Upon the soaked soil
A reminder of impossibility
Lived not she
To learn her lesson
Earth does not prevail for freedom to be
Blindly groped
For what belonged to another
May the creature for ignorance weep
(Hindrance I dared-
Of it I scorned.)

Never did I take heed
Of grace and conscience
Shunned the inner voice
Preaching in earnest
Failed me it did
My own ignorance
Dug an aperture
Out of my atrium

(Hindrance I dared-
Of it I scorned.)

I welcomed so
In an open embrace
The brilliant light
Like a laser ray
It penetrated through
Flesh became decay
Hypocritical mess
An ego trip

(Hindrance I dared-
Of it I scorned.)

Unanticipated it came
After building up its bricks
It collapsed in one single blow
At full-fledged ferocity
Struck me with vengeance
Awarded a dent in me
A pang within my mind
Of naiveness I am released

(Hindrance I dared-
Of it I scorned.)

(I hang my head now
In self-loathe and shame
Upon the wires
Grown from the ceiling.)
Carried into this world, in between the folds
Of Her bloated cells layered underneath skin
He floated upon currents, it flung him ashore
In exchange for his creator's tormenting fluid

Arrived he did, wrapped in liquefied memories
Of his Goddess's nine months of making
Sculpturing and moulding, Her ideal figurine
Came with the price of hammer and nails

His first cry escaped as he inhales earthly gas
Such a savage noise marks his birth
Moved Her beyond joy, eyes weeping
Salt pillars melted in blissful denial

She knows, beneath Her perfect burial
Of acknowledgement is the milestone
For this exact moment paces back and forth
As the start of Her failure, Her loss

A child he is, no longer Hers once born
She burns herself senseless in many a
Regular doses of cigarettes and coffee
It sets Her aloof from excretions of the mind
Those black holes melted and hands
Now run along the horizon it drew,
The flames screeched on tiles;
Cigarette marks of fluctuating doubt.

Streaked in guilt, the masked robber
Of colours stolen from the rainbow,
Bragging in vanity of his affairs
With penetrating neon stage lights.

Incest upon riverbed, laid gingerly
On silk - trampling in its own handicap;
Nibbles at the neck held victim
By glaring furniture marginalized.

The cement argues back, in the midst
Of a heated stove, it spouts fumes;
Complaints of splitting seams, oh how
It moans and pronounces its protest.

As I greet you,
My forgotten friend.

Fodder for all you lonely people.

Glee (Delight)

The enigma.
Perusing on my existance.
Unabashedly mocking every move.
Waiting, berating, consuming,
And gorging, till his selfish fill.

The enigma.
Who listens, with cautious intent.
And crawls incessantly along every corridor.
Smiling wryly, with a contented mind,
But with a foetid innard.

The enigma.
Ephemeral as it may seem
Decidedly seraphic, that porcelain being.
But, a rotten carcass underneath those cracks.

The enigma,
that shameless largesse of hypocrisy.
A serf of imposed moralistic conventions,
Who hides, lies, betrays,
even his brotherly alternate state of mind.

That enigma,
constantly gaining speed, erratic momentum.
As it rolls along the crevices of delusion.
Refusing to heal the wounds,
Even as the caress of the flames,
Stroke the hurt,
And soothes, this great narcissist pretender.

Then I realized.
The enigma.
Is me.

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