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Hey guys! Anyone done a comparison between these 2 before? I was told by the 1 of citymusic staffs that the line6 is able to do anything that the sansamp triaci and other products can do..He also said that a "blindfold test" was done before at some gig before.. where they put e line6 stuff behind e curtains.. many professional musicians got fooled in fact... Anyone of you guys actually haard both side by side or did a blindfold test before? I know both are amp simulators/modellers.. However is it true that line6 is at e top of amp modelling technology? Does it own e sansamp products anytime as the guy mentioned or is that sales talk? haha he challenged me to do a blindfold test, bring both down.. however i dont actually have any sansamp stuff.. haha anyone up to e challenge? Perhaps itll shed truth on digital vs analog.. haha.. In all, which do you guys prefer? Line 6 or PodXt's modelling technology and sound?