Please Share Your PODxt Live Experiences


New member
Who own it?
What u like and dislike about it?
Can tell us ur live setup? what/how is it connected to etc..
Any audio/video recordings to share when u played live with it?

And those who owned this thing before, why u sell it?
I own it.

The variety of choices for premodelled sounds. You get a whole range of different pedals which the Line6 sound guys modelled and fitted them in. There's also Amp models and Cab models. Ideal for recording too. You can connect this beast to a PC or Mac via USB and can works wonders. Say I record via GarageBand, I can even get the amp feedback. Let's just say you can record whatever you hear through your amp.

The downside is that sometimes it's hard to find that sweet spot. And there are some pedals you wish would be inside. Say for example I want a whammy function inside, or a sustainer. :D

When I gig live, it goes Guitar -> PodXT Live -> Additional Pedals if necessary -> Amp/Halfstack.

I can post some audio recordings sooner or later once I get back my Mac.
yeah i agree. most multifx hard to find that sweetspot. im using GNX2 and most of the time i spend about 5-10mins to get a nice new patch. and sometimes that patch sounds good when conected to pc but its sounds totally diff when connected to the amp and need a bit of tweaking again.

what input of the amp u use to connect your podxt? FX return, instrument input?

and yes do post some recordings..

anybody else care to share? maybe those who sold it..
Well for the PODXT Live, you can connect to your PC/Mac directly and change the settings from your computer updating 'live'.

As my amp at home is just a practice amp, there's no FX return but it is recommended to plug it into the FX return and setting the EQ stuff to middle yada yada.

Here are some shots of the input/output on the back of the PodXT Live.
i have one as well.. it's good stuff. i recommend it highly. you can get almost any tone u want as long as you tweak it.. the factory presets are quite crappy though.

the only comment is that i feel that the gain is still alittle lagging. i'm running another distortion pedal before it but set the gain and level to almost zero just to boost it up a little bit more.... but this is really personal preference cos there're many people who can shred like nobody's business with just Guitar -> PODxt Live -> PC.

Just check out the clips in youtube... I think JerryC uses PODxt Live as well.
Question: Lets say I have a POXDxt Live, but i also have a wah/volume, chorus/flanger/reverb, distortion, delay AND another multi effects pedal... (okay, theres prob going to be a tone suck, but lets just assume)... so what would be the order?

Guitar>???>???>???>???etc >Amp
Wadi, thats a nice track. Nice tight muting. But sounds too perfect...must be the compressor. Sounds too compressed to me. I like it 'natural'.
Like I said its good for what it is and we cant compare dynamics or whatever between a direct recording vs miked cab.

Glad you liked the scratch track. :)
yeah looks like u're having fun with that
although i dont own it, i tink its a great tool for recording and its makes practising fun with all the effects etc..
for me a practice with a sustainer and micro amp the the front.

so it goes CS-3 -> MXR micro amp -> podxt live ->amp

though the sustainer is rather weak at this position imo.


EDIT: oh yes the recording is so clear which leaves me little to edit out for post editing. except the single coil hums :evil:
musenut said:
for me a practice with a sustainer and micro amp the the front.

so it goes CS-3 -> MXR micro amp -> podxt live ->amp

though the sustainer is rather weak at this position imo.


EDIT: oh yes the recording is so clear which leaves me little to edit out for post editing. except the single coil hums :evil:

your guitar hum if its connected to CS3 > MXR > amp OR Podxt > amp?
damnesia said:
your guitar hum if its connected to CS3 > MXR > amp OR Podxt > amp?

it's the strat natural hum. because of my single coils. also it's due to the amp models that i chose to have a much higher gain. on clean, there's no hum. some kind of natural gate :D

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