Playing Original songs

@the original poster :

That is some seriously flawed logic :?

metal police said:
Some shithead say that gigs shud be purely playing originals well f*&k off!!!Look at House of Rock...they play covers...wat happens if they play originals...everyone will go to sleep!!

House of Rock is a pub band. It's their job to play songs the crowd like day in and day out. If you want to be a bar band, playing top 40 covers to please your audience, be my guest. But as a musician, how can you NOT want to write and play your own stuff ? Would you rather spend your entire life making a name for yourself playing other people's songs ?

metal police said:
Recently Im playing in a gig.While waiting for my band's turn..I watched others bands strut their stuffs.They play originals..respect...but I dnt enjoy...why?I could never enjoy songs that I never heard.Even I hear them on sucks...they expect me to headbang with them....only their fans can do that.

But when it comes to playing covers...especially the songs I like.No matter which sucky bands...I enjoy!!!Can headbang...


Read the point above. As a musician, do you play music to express yourself creatively or to win popular acclaim and please the crowds ? If it's the latter, you may want to continue being a popular covers band. You'll have all the "fans" happy, but what will you have achieved artistically ?

So you'd prefer a "sucky" cover to a well-written, tightly performed original ? :?

metal police said:
So those who think playing originals r the big deal in gigs....well get a grip...your songs sucks big time!!!Dnt expect people to enjoy at gigs!!!Sell ur songs and make it popular first b4 acting cool like your songs sound good!!

How incredibly immature.

Please tell me in what way the original songs on the myspace link above "suck big time". All this bullshit about "selling your songs and making them popular" is so off the mark, it isn't even funny. How does a band make its songs "popular" if it doesn't play them at gigs ?

Here's a suggestion.

If you don't have the original material, why play gigs at all ? What's the hurry to go up on stage, even before you've honed your chops and your songwriting skills ?

That is the biggest peoblems with bands in Singapore today. Overnight, bands are formed, with no emphasis on practice or cohesion, just "let's formz a band and play a show lolz !!on11! We kin bring all r grupees too yay !!11" Everyone wants to get up on stage and pretend to be a musician, when in reality, they're only there to be part of the "scene" and feel good about themselves.

Before you even think about playing a gig, sit in a jam room and practice. Practice your ass off. Write your own songs; it takes a lot more time, but is ultimately more fulfilling. Getting people to cheer for you when you're playing a Marty Friedman solo is easy, it's not like you had anything to do with writing it, but blowing people away with your own material is where you have to show if you have the cojones and the mental fortitude to be a musician.

You wanna take the easy way out, be my guest. But don't knock your fellow musicians for having ambition beyond being a "bar band".

well unless youre a pub band? they do make money!
i know for a fact this certain band ( due to contract signed no nmes involved) they earn about 20,000$ playing at a pub for 6days a week.

$20k per band, say a 5 piece, one member earns only 4K for a 6 night per week job. It's quite sad that pub bands now don't get paid as much as last time.
Playing Original Songs as title reads…..

This is a real-life story of my Company’s Director who is a Jazz Panists and who graduated from Berklee with a Degree in Jazz / Music Composition and Arrangement (something like that if I could remember and he is one of Iskandar Kassim Student before).

I remember him telling me before, that he is sadden / very dissapointed with the local music industry here (which I did not understand at all). I ask him why ? and he says “Musician here love to play, what people love to hear in Singapore – to please others rather than be they themselves ”, but he my Director “would want to play the music he himself would love to play and be creative – in that sense it’s really him”….He says he couldn’t care less if people would know how to appreciate his Music or not, and of course some will and some will not. Because of this - So, he didn’t want to play anymore Music here after that. I did asked a few of the local Musician here and they say my, this Director is really a very good Jazz Painists….

Then, of course there are also many who feels that – If we play Music, we want our audience to be happy and knows how to appreciate our Music…So we must play songs that they love and most of these are Commercial Songs I guess eg Top-40 etc.

My Opinion is – both are correct – they are not wrong. But depending on how you look at it. What’s your Objective.

My Director he is the owner of a Public Listed Company (have plenty of money), so he of course couldn’t care less playing Originals, if people don’t pay for his music…He don’t need the $$$$$ afterall..

To others (say Music is their Bread & Butter), if they do all Originals – then how to survive here if people would only pay to listen to Cover-Songs….

I guess, Singapore is small, thus has a very small market unlike the USA, so it’s very different…..still I think it’s good to play both Cover as well as Originals – both are equally challenging..

Just my 2cent.
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This is called senseless posting.

Agree totally..(Im referring to the very 1st post, dunno why need so 'pek cek' and need everyone to 'cool' him down while he's not even saying anything anymore)

The late lead singer from HK band group, Beyond, once said before, 'Theres entertainment scene(yu2 le4 quan1) in HK, but no music scene'(yue4 tan2) I think its the same here in S'pore, or even worse....

Thank your lucky stars that currently we have so many ppl organising gigs(kudos to them) and band competitions, be it underground or commercial like Superband and so on, there are so many ways to express your music and your skills.
Think of every performance as a filter to sort out the talented from those who just know how to play only.

Most bands starts of by doing covers. It helps to establish chemistry as well as style and sound. The filter already starts here: Bands who suck at playing covers basically suck anyway. Bands who do great covers will get the attention.

But how long can a cover band hold the attention of the audience? Not everyone likes everything a band covers. Also, if you are gonna be playing covers all the time, people will start questioning your artistry and talent, and will loose interest in you. So here is where the second filter comes in: those who write originals get more respect then those who just plainly do covers. People want to like them more because of this ability.

Then, among the originals that have been composed, few of those get any attention at all, or is enjoyed by the audience. This is where the 3rd filter comes in. Those who can do great originals are basically the creme of the crop. Those who can't, well... they get applauded for the effort nontheless, but won't get as far.

So, there's nothing wrong with doing great covers. But if you do great originals as well, you will stand out more.
to be honest,i get sick of playing covers..

really wanna write my own songs..

lyrics can be penned...but the melody..hur hur..

its a tragic love affair for lyrics and melody.
Frankly speaking, I think alot of bands out there have shit ass originals because of their horrible knowledge of music theory, if the threadstarter doesn't like the band, then just walk out, theres nothing more disheartening to a band than that.
it isn't music theory that enables you to write a good song. its creativity, smartness and life/social experiences. i dont think nirvana or jimi hendrix know their music theory. you may score all 'A's in school but can you make big bucks in the work industry?
well, lets see, Steve Vai graduated from Berklee's, Malmsteen studied paganini's violin concertos and transposed them to guitar, basically, every technically proficient guitarist knows his theory. Trust me, your mainstream rock bands are NOT technically proficient.
This topic would not have risen if it were not for the following reasons:
(1) A large chunk of the local bands are more bothered with the way they look on stage rather than concentrating on music and abilities....the image comes later a recent show i saw a long line of bands completely overdressed and creating what can only be classified as out of tune noise!!!! the first band that walked in with jeans and tshirt played some decent music...with a very decent original...the only song i remember from that night....
(2)people seem to be under the impression that making music is easy....guess again...picking up a guitar doesnt make u a musician....learn,practice,compose....dun tattoo yourself rock god before you can tell whether your instrument is in tune....
(3) at a recent was absolutely disgusting to see bands come and perform, and then leave with their bunch of friends immediately after...stay the show dammit, why in gods name do you expect support if you cant give it???shows have become only about bands brining their friends who cheer and then the group that case...just have a performance at each bands jamroom...saves everyone trouble...and cost!!
(4)for all this talk about covers....the number of bands who absolutely murder homage to the artist by putting in the time and effort to sound remotely good....which is my exact point....the bands perform bad covers...most of the crowd talks about how the cover was not very good...and then everyone leaves....waste of time!!!
(5) many people here actually support the bands?? how many local band CDs do people have???for all the mention about how songs are not familiar.....thats cos YOU didnt listen....jeez....ya sure...go listen to the top angmoh bands and then cry that singapore doesnt have builds talent....can anyone see a pattern?

End of the Day: its all it well...whether you play a tribute to the artist and add your own touch or have an original that is even remotely nice....all of it needs to be done well..hard work....and needs support....any of these not present and the show is a failure....

But I will say this....covers do not show talent...they show technique...talent,creativity,inspiration only show through originals!!

What the HEAO!?

i just saw this thread and i thought to myself "What is this country coming to? tsk tsk tsk"

Whats the point of listening to covers when the original sounds 100000000X better? I mean honestly, I don't see alot of cover bands who can match the original composers here. K maybe except for pub bands etc. Im not flaming cover bands but im just giving u an idea if someone started a thread which says "Playing cover songs."

One advice, mind your own business. Don't want to compose originals? Thats your problem. Have a problem with people complaining about covers? Deal with it!

Its really a shame that you complain on the efforts the local bands have put up to build our own identity.

Oh and please, go to more gigs and get to know more bands.

Bands(LOCAL) who are recognised globally(maybe not all but have gone somewhere) with their own ORIGINAL music:
The Great Spy Experiment

there may be alot more to mention but these are the strong ones that i know of.
Hydrofly, you make alot of baseless and irrelevant assumptions.

1: "alot of bands out there have shit ass originals because of their horrible knowledge of music theory."

Music theory does help, but being proficient at it will not make you a stellar songwriter by association. I doubt Bob Dylan is a man who cares very much about his music theory. Same for The Ramones, The Clash- yet they all wrote strong, catchy songs.

2: "Every proficient guitarist knows his theory."

I agree. But what does that have to do with songwriting?

3: "Trust me, your mainstream rock bands are NOT technically proficient."

I'm afraid you are mistaken. These bands go on the road and tour non-stop, playing in all sorts of conditions. A lot of them are far more technically proficient than we can ever be, because of the demands of their playing. They have to have a solid understanding of harmony, rhythm and melody to be successful.

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