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Anybody can explain me this Pich Axis Thing that was invented by Joe Satriani (correct me if i'm wrong). anybody uses this theory b4 ... i search for the online explanation but all i get is an ununderstandable explanation ... thnx guys
Got a link about it?

Sounds like how he would use a droning bass note, and just improvise over it in whatever mode/scale he wants...
pitch axis is not really invented by satch... it was ard since the jazz era.. i was askin some yamaha instructors back then when i was working at yamaha... this topic is very very interesting..
pitch axis---> take a baseball bat, spin around it with ur head on the bat on the ground, spin 10 rounds, then reverse spin 10 rounds.

now thats notch johnson pitch axis theory.

According to this article ... Pitch axis theory is none other than a theory to explain the modal phenomenon that occurs when the key center of a song is shifted .... and therefore a scale will need to be altered to fit the transposition.

Basically it's modes theory ... to explain modes in chord progressions.

Hence Pitch Axis couldn't have been invented by Joe Sat unless he attended Church in the 18th Century ... Modes are invented during that era. Hence not even Jazz has an answer for that ...
very interesting..

so its like....picking a note off the low E string, and just making your way up or down the fret until you hit the root note using any scale?

btw this is a bit off topic, but are modes like the dorian mode used as "connectors" to another scale in a chord progression?
dun confuse yourself ...

C# Dorian is really just B Maj Scale solo over a C#m ... as long as you play the key center ... you are right ... just that some progressions has multiple key centers ... so multiple scales ...modes is just a way to define the sound of transposition scales ...
Fenderrules: Modes can be played in any key ... but you have to use the right mode for the right key or else it will sound weird ...

D Dorian is used when the key center is at the 2nd Deg of it's major scale ... which in this case is C maj scale played on a Dm7 Chord.

Another Variation of Dorian mode is the Dorian b2 ... can be used in Chords with Flattened 9th or 2nd. ie: C7(b9)
It's great for improvising but needs "Patience" and "Time" to master,But the effort pays!!!.. Playing a 2nd degree(minor pentatonic),3rd degree(minor pentatonic)-- played over a 1st (Major) chord --can be a good starter.. :P
im loss man ... i try playing this all modes ... but i get really weird sounding thing ... doesnt connect at all ???

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