Piercing aftercare

version7 said:
yeah, they're healing anyhow... been dousing em with this unlabelled bottle of colorless solution the lady, yumiko, from the shop, gave me. it's aight. it's just weird that my lobe's takin longer to heal than the others.
thinking of getting my eyebrow done locally, here, in singapore. any good piercers in this country?

Eyebrow piercing waste money
Usually, it will drop off by itself after few months.
And it gets infected real easily.

I've got 4 friends whose eyebrow piercing dropped off by itself after a few months.

Not sure if its the norm, but 4 friends can't be wrong.

But they were all using ring instead of labret.

So maybe that's the cause.
nic1327's the piercing guru/expert... whatever lol

anyhoos, i've just gotten my eyebrow pierced. it's doing aight. got another industrial too. and suprisingly, i felt almost nothin when the piercings were done.
nic1327 said:
Cheez said:
"cauliflower ear".

it's a keloid

It is NOT a keloid. Keloid is a scar tissue, which one can also get with piercings.

This is cauliflower ear.

It is NOT a keloid. Keloid is a scar tissue, which one can also get with piercings.

This is cauliflower ear.

okay. whatever. you've said what you've wanted to say so stop wussing around like there's no tmr.
version7 said:
It is NOT a keloid. Keloid is a scar tissue, which one can also get with piercings.

This is cauliflower ear.

okay. whatever. you've said what you've wanted to say so stop wussing around like there's no tmr.

Hey, I'm just trying to help. I've seen a few of these and they are not nice to treat. I could have just kept quiet. Just showing some concern, that's all. OK, I'll stop.
Hey, I'm just trying to help. I've seen a few of these and they are not nice to treat. I could have just kept quiet. Just showing some concern, that's all. OK, I'll stop.

man man... you took it the wrong way man... i guess i said it the wrong way and i apologize for that. its just that going on and on bout names of ear disasters's rather bugging. peace.
Cloudsky said:
Anyone knows how must it cost to pierce if I want a doctor to do it?

depends where on your body ya wanna get your piercing. most doctors only do the ear lobes. with the gun, which is kinda bad. if you have a more complicated piercing in mind, go to a proper piercer. :]