

New member
is there any way in which i can find out if the pickups i got are ibanez ifinity 1 and 2 without actually changing it?
fazli, you can check your Ibanez model on the manufacturer's homepage to see which pickups are those. if you bought it used & suspect that the previous owner has swapped them for some others, post a pic here 8)
hey how do you know its fazli not ilzaf. 8O

are you some spy....?

hmmmm... wahahahah.

okay.. post pictures got it. :lol:
once my sister returns my camera back. hahaha.

the only abbreviation is a small sticker showing IFN2 and IFN 1.
i've come across several reverse-my-name-on-forums people in cyberspace, i see that you're one... :wink:

ok, from the model abbreviation alone confirms it's those Infinity units. what's your guitar model by the way?
its a beginner's gutiar. lol. ibanez grx 70.

bought it off someone for 100. =\

and he gave me the pickups. the two infinity.
hmmm. should i change it?

aiming for gibson. sg....
so nice..
so expensive.
saving up. wahahahaha.
GRX-70 with Infinity PUs? Sounds super-dodgy. My RGTCR2 has INF1 and INF2. Btw, does it say IFN or INF? It shld say INF.
oops. it says INF. yup.

super dodgy? is that a good or a bad thing?
it sounds bad.


someone tell me why it would be dodgy?

INF isn't a brand name, it's a model abbreviation for INFINITY, Ibanez's in- house pickups. these aren't spectacular models, many would agree that they lack a balanced frequency range.
faz- in view of the guitar these PUs are in, IMO it's not worth the hassle/ cost. not saying you can't have it your way but if you feel that swapping pickups would do you good, don't spend too much, getting used Dimarzio/ Duncan ones would be recommended.

if i were you, i'd rather invest in a good amp 8)
Read the various threads available, go do a search on the forum. You'd find more than enough recommendations. :wink:

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