so i can say that high output pickups are alot better than low ones?
Read that quote again. What do you constitute as better? When you want to change something on your guitar, it's always about trying to get it to perform better. But perform better at what? Hi-gain? Cleans? What exactly do you want to achieve with your tone?
If you play distorted, does that mean you will never play clean? And vice versa?
anyway change in pickups will have minimum effect if you're playing through some low end amps. changing pickups should always be the last alternative to achieve a sound you want
True to a certain extend. If the stock pickups are decent enough, no point fixing what isn't broken. If it takes only really minor tweaks on your guitar, pedals and amp settings to get that tone you want, then might as well tweak those first.
But I've had pickups that really sucks even on low ended amp, and I can only imagine that it gets worse at high ended amps. :?
Also, IMO, most guitarists will end up going jamming and performing, so I'm pretty sure at one point of time a good amp will come along the way. So, not a bad idea to have something that does well enough on a variety amps, yeah?