Pickup.. Rusty..


New member
Hope the topic roughly said it all. You guys know some pickups have those "circle"-"circle" thingy (i think it's magnet or something, ahaha, sorry, I don't know the proper term for them). So how do you guys keep them clean and off the rust/dirt? I can see mine starting to get a little bit of rust at the end of those "circle" thingy, maybe it's due to because I'm having sweaty-palm..? So yeah, any solution to like, clean them off or prevent them?
Hmmm. This problem does not seems to appear on my guitar though. But I suppose juz normal cleaning using a cloth should do the job? Cause I wipe my guitar everyday with a piece of cloth and it still shines like ever :D
It doesn't happen that fast ah.. Unlike the strings... Though there are sign of rusting and stuff... I tried to clean them of using cloth but it will like.. there again in the next few days if I were to use them everyday.. Must be from my palms.. :(
i don't think sweat from your palms can reach the magnets (pole pieces) of your pickups. unless u really sweat like someone who's taking a shower. could it be the screws?
try using WD40? i clean my bass body and strings with it, but i never tried it on my pickups and my pickups don't got them metal cirle thingies anyways.
lol! i got the same problem!

wd40 actually eats off the metal, or at least that's wat they tell me in the army, i.e. anyone caught using wd40 to clean weapons sign extras...

would it be a good idea to clean the pickups at all then? or leave the rust there?
chester277 said:
try using WD40? i clean my bass body and strings with it, but i never tried it on my pickups and my pickups don't got them metal cirle thingies anyways.

dont even repeat this again.

WD40 is a solvent, albiet one that evaporates quickly. the liquid would seep into the wood if the wood is not finished properly

if the bass/guitar in question has a small tiny portion of unfinished wood, spraying wd-40 could affect your axe in question BIG TIME. really , if you care for your basses/guitar , dont use WD40

personally , i regularly clean the parts of my bass where dust has gathered with a microfiber cloth

use ethanol to clean the tuners once in a while. aside from that. guitars/basses are meant to be played. they will get dirty. no sense polishing and slaving over it when its meant to be played
i got the same problem with my humbuckers..its the stock hamer humbuckers..but hell..its rusting a lil on the sides.WAD DO I DO?!MY POOR BASS!!
shucks..ive been using wd40..i dont think u can do much abt the pup rings..any pup rings that doesnt rust at all??must be metal of cos.pls help..i really want non-rust ones :)
I suppose you can try to sand off some of the rust, but I wouldn't dare to do that too much....don't want to disturb the tone of the thing (I'm paranoid!).

One or two of my basses have a little rust on the pickups, but that's expected of them, considering the age of one of them. I just leave it there as it doesn't bother me. Still sounds good. I would only take action if the rust built up into little lumps.
RentaBass said:
I suppose you can try to sand off some of the rust, but I wouldn't dare to do that too much....don't want to disturb the tone of the thing (I'm paranoid!).

One or two of my basses have a little rust on the pickups, but that's expected of them, considering the age of one of them. I just leave it there as it doesn't bother me. Still sounds good. I would only take action if the rust built up into little lumps.

*shivers* .. that's kinda gross when that happens ...
you could pass it to me for 2 hours, and i'd give it my magic treatment, and it won't rust for, well for me so far its been 2 months

i tried this on mi fren's yamaha pac, and now the pickups well, dunno if its psychological or not, but sound a lot clearer with the rust off

it works well with frets too, and rusty screws, and aged plastic parts, and helluva lots of stuff

anw its a big secret, haha
I'm using EMG, but the one that shows the "circle" thingy. Ahaha.. Is there some kind of covers or something to protect it like normal EMG pickups? Will it affect the sound, if there's any cover for the pickups?