Ok i own a couple of Fenders and have tried other models including the Custom shop model but it always end up with i like a certain feature from it but not the guitar itself.Such as:
-the fender '57 body contour
-the '57 vintage hot rod electronics
-the large 70's headstock from the H1 and the American Vintage 70's strat
-the S-1 switching of the deluxe model
-the Schaller locking tuners with the "F" logo feature from the HSS deluxe model etc etc
Another thing that i've been itching to have is a Surf Green body but solid one piece Ash with the '57 contour and its not available anywhere online by Fender except to get it customed made...so i set out to make it happen.All the parts are original US Fender part except that the body is custom order.
Most of the part are bought online from eBay mainly from
GuitarpartsresourceLLC and
Parts is Parts.Except that the body was custom paint by
Orion Guitar Finishing as i cant find any solid one piece Ash body with the 50's contour by Fender especially in Surf green...and of course the tweed case by Brendon of
BluegrassWoods guitar.The guitar was assembled and setup by Malcolm of
Excuse me for pictures as it was taken indoors as it has been raining quite a while these few days and lighting was bad too.

and take note that the protective plastic from the pickguard is not yet peeled off...
Some pictures here..