
New member
Evening friends,

I will taking a break from S.O.F.T to devote all my time to my A's, which is taking place come November. :?

I just feel compelled to say a proper farewell, as this forum holds a special place in my heart.

Overseas forums generally provide me with most of the guitar infomation I require. However, S.O.F.T always takes precedence, for it is at S.O.F.T that I am surrounded with local, like-minded musicians, and this particular camaraderie is just non-existent, at least in my case, in overseas forums.
It is also at S.O.F.T, that I have forged numerous friendships, and that means a great deal to me. 8)

A huge Thank You to all who have been so selfless in extending their assistance, expertise, friendship and patience. :P

Well guys, wish me luck for my exams.
And all the best to all of you as well, in all your endeavours, however minute.

Keep doing the things you do, continue discussing music and Gear, continue inducing Gas, continue battling Gas, continue purchasing more Gear and continue rocking and living your lives to the fullest. (It was S.O.F.T that got me started on buying all my gear.) :lol:

So Farewell fellow S.O.F.Ties, I will see all you again come year-end.
And then I will once again indulge myself in this great place we call S.O.F.T.

Cheers and warmest regards,

hey phil, i kno u, we got each others' msn..we rarely talk tho..but i kno u speak v gd english..

niwaes,nvr knew u're in JC..well, gd luck in ur A's!

think it's time i study for my O's too..well, wish me luck too ppl.. :D ..
Yeah goodluck how old are u?

and farewell Phil...seen u around the forums for quite sometime...good luck too
Wow. c ya bud. Ive got my end of school exams in october and november, but i wont be leaving for a while. singaporeans really take their studies seriously 'eh.

Anyway dude, goodluck, stay metal \m/
I was thinking more in line of having a celebration par-tay after the 'O' levels. bro rottenramone bro, wanna be a noble volunteer and get things kickstarted?
Study hard - get the qualifications, get a good job and then you can play music coz you love to and not coz you have to....

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