permanent marker on guitar, cleanable?

let her doodle on paper first and see if the doodle is good. then get a proper marker that wont be affecting the guitar matte finish. then go into a relationship with her. then let her break your heart. then next time you see your guitar, you feel like smashing it into pieces. done~
let her doodle on paper first and see if the doodle is good. then get a proper marker that wont be affecting the guitar matte finish. then go into a relationship with her. then let her break your heart. then next time you see your guitar, you feel like smashing it into pieces. done~

everything was going fine til her breaking my heartttttt.
but seriously, i will never smash an axe, its an instrument of art
a questionaire to help you

1) Do you like the girl or guitar more?
For girl-0, for guitar-1

2) Do you think with mind or heart?
For mind-1, for heart-0

3) Do you think she will be pissed if you dont let her unleashed her art on your guitar?
Yes-0, no-1

4) Do you think you can get into her good book by letting her draw on your instrument or more of able to bed her after letting her draw on your guitar?
For good book-1, for bed her-0

5) Do you think she sees you as a friend who is a friend or a friend who see you as easily manipulated?
For friend as friend-1, for friend easily manipulated-0

6) Who will you save, in time of trouble, the friend who wants to draw on your instrument when you are about to bed her or the guitar that might get stolen when you take your eyes off for 1sec
For friend-1, for guitar-0

7) Do you like your geetar to be vandalised?
Yes-1, no-0

8 ) Do you think any form of ah beng ah seng tattoo as art?
Yes-0, no-1

9) Will you rather your guitar stay as it is or drawn on-
As it is-1, drawn on-0

10) Do you believe in what you have just answered, the 9 questions above?
Yes-1, no-0

after consolidating your result, refer to this below and you can choose to follow or not.

0-5- oh well, what can i say, might as well right, since its just a geetar and whatever is on the body, prolly wont effect the music i can do with this guitar

6-10- Oh yeah, i love my guitars, but i appreciate cute girls as well, since its only drawing, might as well, get into good book, a guitar still a guitar, nothing but a guitar, no biggy deal. End of the day, music is still music, guitar is still guitar.

11 and more- Congrats, you have made it to the level beyond most geetarers. You are beginning to see a bigger world outside of guitar and totally embracing music as music, regardless of guitar or no guitar! For that, even when cute girls roam naked round you, branded guitars thrown at you, you will still use the guitar that was drawn on, abused etc to make music as music and not just playing guitar as guitar thinking its music.

I, shall not be responsible for anything that can happen nor behaviour of anyone, in any way affected by the above, . Do at your own risk
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burping_boy... I am dissappoint.

sincerely sorry if i'm slow, but i still don't get why there's "11 and more" eventhough there's only 10 qn with a max of 10 points...

or the "11 and more" status was supposed to be unattainable?

(i think i'm wrecking the humour of this... but sorry i still don't get it...)
comeon guys, increasing ur chances of hitting out with the gal...
hahaha i cant help but agree with you bro, and i'm not even sure if she's the one, but somehow she wants to personalise my guitar, but damn my guitar is matte finished.

and i wouldnt wanna look at some gay douche in a metal gig lol!

wouldn't that be awesome though, saw this gig, metal band using the squier hello kitty strat, friggin awesome man
sincerely sorry if i'm slow, but i still don't get why there's "11 and more" eventhough there's only 10 qn with a max of 10 points...

or the "11 and more" status was supposed to be unattainable?

(i think i'm wrecking the humour of this... but sorry i still don't get it...)

if you cant get more than 11, its usually due to

1) You might be new around here and have not gotten use to the nonsense of the people who have been around here for a while

2) You might have been playing guitar for too long and unable to see beyond the world of guitardom

3) Music with guitar is harmful in general, lay off guitar music and embrace natural, sound of the city, neighbourhood or own heartbeat in a acoustically dead rom

4) not thinking harder

5) theres no reason nor logic. Its either get it or cant get it. Unfortunately, its the former. But its ok, this is afterall the geetar forum.

cheers and have a nice day
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Maybe she's trying to find out if you are "conquerable". Better not fall into that trap. Never mind getting into her good books. play more gigs, then you'll get more girls and cute girls are a-plenty. So if let's say she has her doodle on your guitar,(who knows what she plans to write or draw on it but i'm pretty much sure it will be done in a way people will know she's the one who did it) it signals the other girls that you are taken. Not good.
Maybe she's trying to find out if you are "conquerable". Better not fall into that trap. Never mind getting into her good books. play more gigs, then you'll get more girls and cute girls are a-plenty. So if let's say she has her doodle on your guitar,(who knows what she plans to write or draw on it but i'm pretty much sure it will be done in a way people will know she's the one who did it) it signals the other girls that you are taken. Not good.

fantastic points you have brought up, thanks!
up your points bro.

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