Perfect Pedals fr me ! (read fr mre infos)


New member
Hey evryone, im a new mmbr here =) cheers. (intro done)

k guys cut to the chase.
boss ,digitech, or whatever perfect effects.

i need pedals to play a7x/GnR/velvet revolver.

sumtimes i like to play clean. ( so i need some basic pedals recommendations)
(etc. acoustic pedal)

right now im jus not sure what pedals to use.
which one has that bitchin' sound fr the respective bands. i really need the pedals meant fr a7x. =). thanks guys rock on \m/.

-i always play either without an amp or with a crappy treble-ised distort on my amp. so its time fr a perfect pedal which i wont regret spending on =) ok till then thanks \m/
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there's no perfect pedal. its not just about the pedal. its about your amp, the eq on it, the type of distortion you use, your settings for that distortion, your guitar, the settings on it, the pickups and strings used, the pik you use and then its down to your playing technique.

so there's no perfect pedal.
yea bro. i do know hw to set. nw im talking abt that bitchin' sound which i cant get on my amp. perhaps the pedal will help. pls post unless u can help =)
yea bro. i do know hw to set. nw im talking abt that bitchin' sound which i cant get on my amp. perhaps the pedal will help. pls post unless u can help =)

well, you do have to give more details on what your setup is like and what amp you're using so that we cna help accordingly. :)
ok basically my amp is nabeh cb. lol u get it. so.. treble full mid 1/2(wtf is this?) bass 3/4 sumting like that to get the heaviest one. the only one that i can do harmonics. (alrite, truth-> im sumtimes lost with guitars.) so u shuld understand me =). now i need to play some a7x but it doesnt work out with me coz the sound is different. so yea suggest me pedals? or maybe amps? thanks. coz i dun wanna waste money
and why my thread is being move? hais.. i jus need the pedals. ppl suggested me mega distort and sum Metal zone. i really need u guys to help me =)
Landmine Distortion Pedal or ProTone Body Rot Distortion II. The two best pedals for the metal genre in my opinion. both cost $199(promo price) at soundwavesmm.
Landmine Distortion Pedal or ProTone Body Rot Distortion II. The two best pedals for the metal genre in my opinion. both cost $199(promo price) at soundwavesmm.

subjective. the landmine is really over the top and A7X stuff is actually pretty tight sounding. imo, if your amp can do clean and you want killer compressed tight chugga chugga metal stuff, go for a line6 uber metal. pwns the metalzone and the megadistortiong by boss.

but if u cna get a decent amp that has ok sorta distortion, u cna get a ds1 and boost the gain on your amp. would sound way better imo. anything else u wanna know, pm me.

cheers! :)
sorry to go off point. but i suggest you get a good amp first rather than your "crappy treble-ised distort on my amp" as described by you.
greetings new member 8-) the Rookie Corner here best addresses some beginning issues which others try to avoid at the Guitar- Gear section. i believe this thread is doing well due to this focus.

addressing your concern; if you are looking for specific tones to replicate your fav players then you just have to tread their path & get whatever they utilize. otherwise, the suggestions thusfar have been rather useful, in particular the new amp acquisition proposal. do note that acquiring individual pedals for your different distortion needs is rather costly, in this light, you'd do better to consider a multi-FX unit.
You can have an expensive set up, eg. Mad Professor Mighty Red Distortion, G2D Creamtone, Diamond Memory Lane and whatever.

You can have a Gibson, PRS, ESP, Fender Custom Shop or whatever..

But if all these is going through a 50 dollars amp, it would be a disgrace to your gear..

Number 1, your amplifier is the most important part of your gear..
A 100 dollar guitar going through a 5000 dollars amplifier would make your guitar sound better compared to a 5000 dollar guitar going through a 100 dollar amplifier..

Number 2, there is no specific way to get _______'s (insert band name) tone.. You can replicate EVERY single gear which is similar to that particular artist, but they way you play your guitar affects the tone.. Have you considered your picking dynamics? Whether is it an upstroke or downstroke?

Number 3, once you have a good, satisfying amp, YOU DON'T NEED PEDALS..
Trust me, my distortion pedals are gathering dust after I bought my new amp..
I used to be someone who hates amp distortion, now I swear by it..
But I still take out my pedals from time to time to add a little flavour and variety..
So this brings us to Number 1, a GOOD amplifier..

Number 4, LEARN EQUALIZATION. You say your amp sounds treblish, yet your equalization contains a FULL treble set up.. Learn about EQ, google it or search for the lesson on soft..
The guitar is a mids-oriented instrument in a band.. You can't scoop your tones (high treble and bass, almost no mids) and expect to be heard during a live performance.. Personally, my bass and mids are above half, treble below half on my amp so that the tone seems more "full" and less thin..

Number 5, if you want to choose a particular pedal, no use asking for help when you don't like it in the end. You can collate the data and feedback here, and go to an effects specialist and try out their stuff.. Personally, I rely on both the Electro-Harmonics Metal Muff with Top Boost and amp distortion to get heavy tones..
However, according to number 4, the improper use of equalization could drastically alter the tone even with a similar set up.. And again, Number 1 matters..

Number 6, you mentioned you need a good clean tone, and you wanted us to recommend an acoustic pedal.. Yet, since Number 1 is of utmost important, you need to get a good amp with a nice clean tone.. Clean tones shouldn't be derived from pedals, although i personally love a certain patch in my Zoom G2.1u multi-effects unit.. You can get an amp with good cleans, but horrible distortion, but rely on pedals for your distortion needs..

This is a very long post, so take your time to tackle these matters.. You can't wait for the food to fall on your plate.. You gotta search for it yourself.. In this case the food is information.. Now go search soft or google it!!!
+1 to what godspeed said!

mr threadstarter, since u mentioned about a7x, just remember to change ur bridge p/u to seymour duncan sh-8 invader a la synyster gates! i got mine & very satisfied with it!
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ubermetal FTW! 3band eq, simple noise gate(which doesnt do much but who cares), 3 modes of distortion. Do get a powersupply if u use it tho, that thing sucks the battery as fast as i can shred man. which is like 3x100000000 nps.
hmm. so i haf to change brigde pickup. + buy $100-500 amp + multi fx.

the bitchin' sound by SYN. is very different, isit the EQ i need to change? to mre bass-y type??

Btw Thanks evryone. appreciate it!
ok basically my amp is nabeh cb. lol u get it. so.. treble full mid 1/2(wtf is this?) bass 3/4 sumting like that to get the heaviest one. the only one that i can do harmonics. (alrite, truth-> im sumtimes lost with guitars.) so u shuld understand me =). now i need to play some a7x but it doesnt work out with me coz the sound is different. so yea suggest me pedals? or maybe amps? thanks. coz i dun wanna waste money

Razor's point on your amp is totally valid. You need to understand that the amp is 1/3 of the equation. Your guitar and your efx being the other 2/3. Before you think that your amp is just a speaker, think again. It's exactly that speaker and amp circuit that screws up lots of things. The speaker size, cone quality, deflection, circuitry, etc etc all that matters.

The quick way? Buy a Peavey, Line 6 or a Tech 21. You need something versatile. A Marshall is nice to look at and good to play, but it doesn't take all pedals very well. A Blackstar Distortion pedal sounds like shit through a Valvestate.

You also need to tell us what guitar and pickups you're using. Otherwise we'd be wasting time.