Percussion Competition! CASH prizes of $3000 might just be YOURS!


New member
DrumZout 2009 Registration!

DrumZout 2009 Registration ends on 21st March!

Finals will be held at Vivocity on 20th June 2009 and judges will be giving comments on ya performance!

Don't Hesitate. Don't Wait. Sign up!

Calling all PERCUSSIONISTS to be part of DRUMZOUT 2009, a Nationwide Percussion Competition organized by Nanyang Technological University Cultural Activities Club and supported by National Arts Council (NAC).

We have two categories for YOU.
1) If you play non-melodious percussion instruments (visit our website to find out what are non-melodious percussion instruments), form a team of 5-16 and you will be part of the mainstream category.
2) For "STOMPERS", reminiscence of the renowned UK percussive group STOMP, you can create rhythm using unconventional instruments such as pots and pans to be part of our alternative category in a team of 3-16.

There is no age restriction at all. Don't let those numbers hold you back!

Get your friends and head down to to sign up!!
CASH prizes of $3000 might just be YOURS!

What's more? All participants will receive a T-shirt, certificate of participation and lunch (during the competition day)!

Registration deadline: 21st March 2009!!!

For enquiries, please email to or contact Eugene at 96341679. Visit :eek:
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DrumZout 09

More prizes will be added to our finalist
list such as IAH games etc.
What are you waiting for?
Join now!
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Audition will be on 30th May and 31st May!
we will be adding more prizes slowly when we confirm with our sponsors.
Dun hesitate! join now!

There will be a breifing on the competition cum mini tea session on 28th March to clarfiy the types of instrument used, rules and regulations :D

All participants will receive a goodie bag with lots of vouchers, products etc!

The judges will be commenting your performance in finals after every performance to engage the performance!

The dateline is 21st March!
$3000 cash and free drinks (mac, nestle) , lunch, goodie bag, IAh games and many more for our winners and participants!
Join now!!
Dude, didn't Lime Magazine closed shop already? Not too sure if that's a good giveaway. Just thinkin' out loud
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Sorry. Forgot to update... Just found out few days ago. Currently we are confirming our prizes with sponsors. Logos n prizes will be updated soon!

There will be a briefing in end of March for the respective of participants on the rules of the competition and the incoming audition. =)

There will be a briefing on 28th Mar to brief on our audition and finals (stage size etc and also the rules =)
Registration deadline!

The registration deadline will be on 21st March this SATURDAY.
Dun wait any more!
Hurry and register! =)