
Here's an awesome and cool Monster, a pedalboard that comprises 13 Pedals. I hated Trex Tonetrunk, Godlyke, and 3M sticky velcros that made my pedals flimsy and slimy when the velcros lost effectiveness in the long run. I hated velcros from the beginning. So I came up with a permanent solution-Fig 8 Fasteners:) This pedalboard is made of premium Pine wood measuring 1.2m x 0.6m.
Tools used: Makita Electric Saw, Black & Decker Driver Drill, some screws, washers, fig 8 fastening hooks, (So many 8s and good Feng Shui maybe)

Very unique! May I ask where you bought the pine from? I have some ideas for wood working projects but don't know where to buy good quality wood :p.

I had some experience with 'Velcro' brand velcro (from Home-fix) turning slimy after a while, but no such problem with the 3M version though (I buy the ones that come in a box with 2 separate rolls, 1 "furry" side and the other with the "hooks"). I suspect the slime problem happens more when you stick it onto a base that's not metal.
These Pines are from Bedding carpenters. If you know one who can get for you, all the better.

If not, try something similar quality from IKEA under the shelves section.

I do love IKEA wooden shelves. They have great woodgrain ranges. Each shelf can make a pair of pedal rails :)

Hope that helps

here's mine!

Pitchblack - goosniqueqorx Blitzkrieg Boost - Looper (Marshall drivemaster - slash octave fuzz - mxr Kerry King q zone) - TC spark booster - isp g string decimator - AB Pedal 1) to afd100 amp. 2) axe fx ii. Amp fx loop - hardwire RV7 reverb.

It's been great so far.... pedals mounted in a retractable panel on a Ikea TV console unit.

this is a very nice setup!
must sound killer!
Hey bro which pedals are connected to your looper? or whatever that pedal in the middle with labels is!

Hey thats not a looper haha, its a midi controller called the DMC-6, its there to send midi signals to control the Timeline :) So its just connected to the Timeline
Been a while seen I've updated my lil' board, but here it is!


The HellBilly works amazingly well, both as a fuzz and a treble booster. Cleans up like a good fuzz face does too. Now I've got 3 different OD/fuzz combinations to work with!
Havent updated my board for awhile, so here it is. After many coming and going of pedals, I finally found the right combi for the music I play(Rock, blues, country, church music). Think it has cured my GAS for awhile... haha

The m5 gives me a versatile option of all the modulation I need for the kinda music I play. The midi mouse allows me to scroll through presets quickly. And when needed the blitzkrieg and tweed 57 combi gives me that thick fat tone(think Clapton's woman tone) for either my strat(SC) or single-cut(HBs). The CS allows me to play some sparkly cleans when I need some clean chorus-ed tone. EP is there as a solo boost...
Hey thats not a looper haha, its a midi controller called the DMC-6, its there to send midi signals to control the Timeline :) So its just connected to the Timeline

+1 for Disaster Area controllers. I have a DMC-3XL for my Timeline and it's super useful when performing live!

kestorr:1322477 said:
+1 for Disaster Area controllers. I have a DMC-3XL for my Timeline and it's super useful when performing live!


Hi guys. Where can I buy the DMC MIDI controllers in Singapore?

hey, you have to order straight from them :).
another alternative will be getting a Morningstar MIDI controller, tried it once and it does the job pretty well!